It’s Week 10! Practice good study habits, stay dry and take care of yourselves as we gear up for finals. We’re almost there!

To stay up to date with the Office of Student Success, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Important Dates

  • Last Day to Withdraw from the Fall Term: November 30
  • Fall Term Finals Week begins: December 3
  • Fall Term Ends: December 7


Paid Opportunity for Public Health Students

2019.CostaRica.application & BHS 415: One Health in Practice

There is a paid opportunity to go to Costa Rica for the summer of 2019! The program will be 8-10 weeks long, led by Dr. Brianna Beechler. Students should expect to participate for 8-10 weeks (~June 26 – September 1, 2019 ) and during the time, will have the option of several experiences including working with a veterinary clinic in Florencia, San Carlos, a local dairy farm, a local conservation/wildlife facility and a local medical clinic and/or public health office. There will be optional participation with the 10 day OSU veterinary clinic run in the end of August. All students will spend at least 4-5 weeks performing an independent research project on antimicrobial resistance or vector biology created with the assistance of Dr. Brianna Beechler.

During spring-term there will be two required one hour research prep sessions led by Dr. Beechler. These will be planned around participant schedules, but are required for program participation. Undergraduate students are required to enroll in BHS 415 winter term prior to leaving (so this upcoming winter term). At the end of the summer (September) you will be required to submit a 1 page summary of your results from your research experience. These will be presented by the students in a group lunch seminar during the academic year. Students will pay their own travel, housing and food costs, but the coordinator will help arrange all of it. For housing, students should expect a combination of homestays and hostels. They will provide a $2,000 stipend to offset the costs of travel.

Application forms will be due February 15th. Notifications of acceptance will be made by March 1st. Please email applications to Janice Blouse. Interested students can email Dr. Beechler for more information.

Personal Trainer Prep Class

Winter Term, Rec Sports will offer our Personal Trainer Prep, Level 1 class. This class provides foundational knowledge, and teaches participants the foundational skills needed for personal training, specifically: basic anatomy/physiology, motivational interviewing/communication, program design, and teaching and correcting exercises. This class is appropriate for students who have not completed their Anatomy/Physiology series, or who have limited experience with the application of this knowledge. This class provides students the knowledge and skills required for eligibility for an entry-level personal trainer position at Rec Sports (the Fitness Training Specialist position, which provides students experience teaching and leading workouts, performing assessments, and assigns them a peer mentor to shadow and continue to develop skills in program design, while also providing students an understanding of how to apply concepts of anatomy/physiology in a personal training environment.) The level 2 class, which will be offered in the Spring, begins where the level 1 class finishes, and prepares students for more specialized training in the fitness industry, programs and services specific to Recreational Sports at Oregon State, and provides all of the curriculum required for students to pass the American Council on Exercise (ACE) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) exam.

The class will run inside Dixon Rec Center, for six weeks, on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-8:30pm (the lecture component), and on Friday afternoons from 2-5pm (the practical component).

Registration for this class is $125. You can register online or in person at Rec Services (the registration desk on the west side of the building).

If you have more specific questions about the class or curriculum, contact Cathy Sullivan.

Bridging the Arts and Sciences for Human Betterment

Dr. Carol Ryff is professor of psychology and director of the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She will be visiting OSU as a guest of the provost and the deans of the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Engineering. Carol’s visit will highlight the developing partnerships among the three colleges in efforts to build healthier communities through arts and science. Carol Ryff’s primary expertise is in studying psychological well-being, which she has linked to sociodemographic factors (age, gender, race, educational status, cultural context), life experiences (early life adversity, parenting, chronic and acute life stressors), behavior (exercise, sleep), physiology (inflammatory markers, cardiovascular risk factors) and mortality. She directs the MIDUS (Midlife in the U.S.) national study of Americans as well as a parallel study in Japan known as MIDJA (Midlife in Japan). A new interest involves bringing the arts and humanities into integrative, multidisciplinary studies of health and well-being.

When? Thursday, November 29 at 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Where? Memorial Union Building (MU), Horizon Room.

For more information, click here!

Cover Letter and Resume Review

Resume and Cover Letter

The Peer Advisors at the Office of Student Success are now taking one-on-one appointments to review resumes and cover letters and provide constructive feedback! Schedule a 15 minute appointment with a Peer Advisor here!

Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program for Summer 2019

The CPHHS London Classroom will be continuing for Summer 2019! The program is from June 29 to July 20, and will offer 9-credits: H 320: Intro to Human Disease; H 333: Global Public Health (a Bacc Core class); and H 333: Photostory Project (an independent investigation and presentation of a relevant public health issue). Students who are interested in learning more about the program should email Aimee Snyder to find out how to apply and how to prepare to study abroad in London.

Information sessions will be held on November 29 and January 10 from 5-7pm in Waldo 400. The priority application deadline is February 15. Following the two info sessions, 5 pre-departure meetings will be held (5-7pm; Waldo 400; Feb 14, Mar 14, April 11, May 9, and June 6) to walk students through the steps they need to prepare for the London experience.

Only 20 students can participate in the program. The program is open to any student, with no College or major restrictions. E-campus students are welcome, and encouraged, to join the program. All info sessions will accommodate E-campus students.

Earn Credit During Winter Break

Do you want to make the most of your winter break and earn academic credit in just two weeks? Register for NUTR 241: Applications in Human Nutrition! It is an online 1-credit course that takes place from December 24th-January 6th. For more information, click here!

Nutrition & Dietetics Club

The Nutrition & Dietetics Club is a student run organization on the Oregon State University campus. The club provides students interested in nutrition opportunities to: learn more about a career in dietetics, volunteer in the community, and educate the public about better health and nutrition. The purpose is to provide a framework for meaningful student involvement and to stimulate interest in the profession of dietetics.

Questions? Contact club president Sydney Cooper.


Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.

Do You Know Your Advisor?

Need help finding your assigned advisor? Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.

Gina Cavanaugh
Erin Heim

Image of Carey Hilbert
Carey Hilbert

Profile Jesús Ramírez
Jesús Ramírez

Profile David Reitan
David Reitan

Image of Nelson Sigrah
Nelson Sigrah

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