It’s Week 7. Don’t forget that this Friday at 5 pm is the last day to choose S/U grading for classes!
Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.
Important Dates
- Last day to Withdraw from classes or choose S/U grading: May 18
- No Classes (Memorial Day): May 28
- Last day to Withdraw from the Term: June 8
OSU LeaderShape Institute
The OSU Leadership Institute is a program provided in partnership with LeaderShape® and OSU’s Student Leadership and Involvement. It is an intensive, 6-day off-campus retreat that inspires you to work toward a vision grounded in your deepest values. Explore not only what you want to do, but who you want to be. Unlock your leadership potential, so you can change the world. It’s free to OSU students, including lodging, meals, and transportation between the OSU Corvallis campus and the camp/venue.
When? June 18-23
Where? A camp near Lincoln City, Oregon
For more information and to apply, click here! The deadline to apply is May 26.
Questions? Contact Melissa Yamamoto by email or by phone at (541) 737-6385.
Seeking Volunteers for Event Medical Services
Event Medical Services is seeking responsible, dependable and reliable volunteers for numerous spectator events this spring through fall. The hours are very flexible, and the fun factor is extreme! They provide services for events in the Portland Metro Area including, but not limited to:
- Rose Festival City Fair and Parades
- Blues Festival
- Oaks Amusement Park
- Starlight Parade
- Grand Floral Parade
- CountryFest
- HareFest
- Oregon Special Olympics Events (including events in Portland, Salem, Corvallis, Springfield, Eugene, Bend, and more)
- Oregon Brewers Festival
- Portland Pride
- Organic Brew Festival
This is a great opportunity to network with other volunteers who have similar medical backgrounds and interests, and for you to expand your experience with patient care. They welcome volunteers of all skills sets and levels, and provide on-site training. At particular events, you can receive food vouchers and coupons, free food, free t-shirts, free admission to the event, and more! The hours are flexible, so they can work around your school schedule as needed. During downtime at events, you are welcome to bring homework, reading, or other study materials. You can also bring crochet or knitting projects, coloring books, games, etc.
As you progress in your skills with EMS, you can gain leadership roles, as well as a letter of recommendation that will help you matriculate into nursing, paramedic/EMT, PA, or medical school.
To learn more about Event Medical Services and how to become a Volunteer, contact Ron Forbes by phone at 503-789-6533 or by email. Please leave a message with your name, phone number and best time to reach you.
H 349 Canceled for Fall Term
Attention Public Health majors: H 349 Peer Helper Skills Development will no longer be offered. If you have planned to take this in Fall 2018, the alternative is H 310 Health Field Experiences. If you have any questions, please contact your primary advisor.
Internship Workshop for International Students
If you are a CPHHS international student, consider attending a workshop on how to obtain an internship while attending OSU on Wednesday, May 23, 4-5pm, in HFC 115. Claire Wu, Assistant Director of Career Services, will provide tips on internship search practices, and Caroline Emery, a representative from the International Services Office, will go over important details for working as an international student.
Student Resources
Any student who has difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or who lacks a safe and stable place to live, and believes this may affect their performance in a course, is urged to contact the Human Services Resource Center (HSRC) for support (541-737-3747). The HSRC has a food pantry, a textbook lending program, and other resources to help such as access to a kitchen, a shower facility, washers/dryers, and lockers. Visit the HSRC website for more details about benefits available to all students at OSU.
Summer Volunteer Opportunity
Do you still need something fun to do this summer? Are you energetic, creative, and enthusiastic? Do you like working with youth and being a part of a FUN team? Are you looking to gain experience in the healthcare field or working with people with special healthcare needs?
If YES, then Camp Promise-West is looking for YOU!
Camp Promise-West is a one-week overnight camp that is provided free of charge for kids, teens, and adults with muscular dystrophy and select neuromuscular diseases. They believe all kids should get to experience the magic of camp, regardless of their medical needs or physical abilities. The schedule is jam packed with theme days, pranks, costumes, summer fun, and activities that are 100% wheelchair accessible.
They highly value volunteers that make camp possible and are looking for mature, responsible, fun individuals to join their team.
Available positions include: One-on-one counselors to provide personal care and assist with daily activities; program staff (photographers, yearbook editors, camp newspaper, computers, science, sports, drama, music, etc.); and medical staff (licensed nurses, doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, etc.)
This is an ideal opportunity for individuals who are dedicated to giving back to their community and/or who are interested in a career in healthcare and are looking for experience working one-on-one with individuals with special healthcare needs. Many (but not ALL!) of the volunteers are pre-health students (e.g., medicine, nursing, physician assistant, PT/OT) or interested in social work or counseling, or are graduate students/professionals in these fields.
While helpful, experience is not required; they provide all necessary training at the orientation session prior to camper arrival.
The volunteers are 16+, come from diverse backgrounds and from all over the country, so whatever your skills may be, if you are committed to making camp the best week of the campers’ year, they’d love to hear from you!
Camp Details:
Dates: August 20-25 (volunteers arrive August 19)
Location: Vaughn, WA
Requirements: Be at least 16 years old, submit an application, complete an interview, and pass background and reference checks. Please visit the requirements page of the website for more information.
How to Apply:
To learn more about the application process and apply, click here!
Questions? For more information, please contact Shannon Healey or 405-459-PIGS (7447).
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
The ASSE Student Section is designed for students who are pursuing a career in the safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) fields. OSU’s program in Environmental and Occupational Health prepares students for careers in these fields. ASSE seeks to provide opportunities for students to learn more about their chosen areas of study, as well as promote interaction between students and safety professionals.
OSU’s student section is sponsored by the ASSE Columbia-Willamette Chapter and closely affiliated with the Santiam Section, which meets in Salem.
Questions? Contact the Faculty Advisor, Laurel Kincl. Visit their website!
Do You Know Your Advisor?
Need help finding your assigned advisor? Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.



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