Midterms are starting this week for many of us, so it’s important to keep up with your health. Take some time to relax during the day, whether you meditate, take a scenic walk, or listen to music.
Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.
Important Dates
- January 29-February 23: Withdraw from a course with 0% refund
- February 23 at 5pm: Last Day to choose S/U for a class
The Public Health Club
The CPHHS Public Health Club would like your input, and your future participation, in the Club’s Public Health Week activities, which will take place April 2-8 (the first week of Spring term). Public Health Week is a nationwide initiative of the American Public Health Association.
Please complete this very brief survey form to inform the Club officers of the activities in which you’d like to participate by Tuesday, March 6th. If you can contribute to the planning and coordinating of an activity, please indicate such on the form.
The club will discuss the results of the survey and plan next steps at their next meeting on Wednesday, March 7, at 4:30 pm in Waldo Hall 400. You can join them to help form and mobilize their plans. They will also share the results and plans through their listserv and Facebook page.
Volunteers Needed for Stone Soup
The United Campus Ministry at Westminster House organizes the meal services at Stone Soup every 2nd and 4th Tuesday. Students may volunteer for either or both shifts on any given 2nd or 4th Tuesday. No particular skills are needed – just a willing spirit to serve and to connect with guests. The work will be supervised by experienced folks. To sign up, click here. For more information, visit the Stone Soup website.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Could you use help paying for food each month? Are you a student between the ages of 18-49 and attending college at least half time? You could be eligible for SNAP. For those who are eligible, this could be up to $189 per month in groceries – adding up to an additional $1,000 or so in support for each student between now and the end of the academic year.
To apply, you can either submit an application online or go to a DHS SNAP office and complete a paper application.
Extra Help Sessions for Mathematics
W18 Math Review Session Schedule
Help sessions are available for MTH 112, 150X, 241, 251, 252, 254, and 256. Check out the link above for the session times and locations.
Now Hiring for KidSpirit Summer Day Camp 2018
Are you a natural leader? Looking to become a leader? Do you want to become a teacher who can shape the future? Are you ready to challenge yourself and make a camper’s summer amazing? Are you high energy? A diamond in the rough? Looking for an engaging team? Are you a bottle of fun? Then they want you! KidSpirit is looking for superheroes who want to make a positive impact in the lives of children grades K-8. Spend this summer with KidSpirit and lead kids as they go on adventures, create masterpieces, and have a barrel (literally a barrel) of laughs. KidSpirit is hiring camp counselors, office administration, marketing staff, and head instructor positions in sports, art, theater, science, archery, gymnastics, and cooking. They also offer unpaid internships if you are looking to fulfill such requirements! For more information, call 541-737-KIDS (5437). Apply online here!
Health Professions Workshop (ROOM CHANGE)
If you are in the early phases of considering a career in nursing, medicine, or physician assistance, consider attending workshops on two separate dates (same workshop, different dates and times) conducted by Carey Hilbert. These require an RSVP and are limited. Below are the links to sign up for the specific workshops. If you sign up and need to cancel, please contact Carey directly. The information in these sessions is geared toward gathering early information about these health professions and steps toward entering a professional program.
Pre-Med workshop:
Wednesday, Jan 31 at 5:00 pm in Milam 318
Pre-med workshop
Pre-Nursing workshop: MORE SPOTS OPEN
Wednesday, January 31 at 6:30 pm in Milam 318
Pre-nursing workshop
Pre-Physician Assistant workshop:
Wednesday, January 31 at 4:00 pm in Milam 318
Pre-physician assistant
OSU Mental Health Survey
Have your voice heard and help shape the future of mental health at OSU! Please complete a short survey that should take less than 10 minutes to finish, and we’ll give you the option to participate in a drawing for a chance to win a $50 gift card to the OSU Beaver Store. Please complete this survey by February 2nd to be considered for the gift card incentive drawing.
The purpose of the survey is to hear from students about their concerns, needs, and suggestions on how OSU can best serve the mental health needs of the campus. This information will be used to improve mental health programs in your community.
To complete the survey, go to: OSU Mental Health Survey.
Do You Know Your Advisor?
Need help finding your assigned advisor? Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.



Public Health


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Public Health

Public Health

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