It’s Week 5, and we are almost to the halfway point of the term. Keep up the hard work; summer will be here before you know it!
Comments, questions, or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.
Important Dates
- Last day to Withdraw from classes or choose S/U grading: May 18
- No Classes (Memorial Day): May 28
- Last day to Withdraw from the Term: June 8
Summer Volunteer Opportunity
Do you still need something fun to do this summer? Are you energetic, creative, and enthusiastic? Do you like working with youth and being a part of a FUN team? Are you looking to gain experience in the healthcare field or working with people with special healthcare needs?
If YES, then Camp Promise-West is looking for YOU!
Camp Promise-West is a one-week overnight camp that is provided free of charge for kids, teens, and adults with muscular dystrophy and select neuromuscular diseases. We believe all kids should get to experience the magic of camp, regardless of their medical needs or physical abilities. Our schedule is jam packed with theme days, pranks, costumes, summer fun, and activities that are 100% wheelchair accessible.
We highly value our volunteers that make camp possible and are looking for mature, responsible, fun individuals to join our team.
Available positions include: One-on-one counselors to provide personal care and assist with daily activities; program staff (photographers, yearbook editors, camp newspaper, computers, science, sports, drama, music, etc.); and medical staff (licensed nurses, doctors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, etc.)
This is an ideal opportunity for individuals who are dedicated to giving back to their community and/or who are interested in a career in healthcare and are looking for experience working one-on-one with individuals with special healthcare needs. Many (but not ALL!) of our volunteers are pre-health students (e.g., medicine, nursing, physician assistant, PT/OT) or interested in social work or counseling, or are graduate students/professionals in these fields.
While helpful, experience is not required; we provide all necessary training at our orientation session prior to camper arrival.
Our volunteers are 16+, come from diverse backgrounds and from all over the country, so whatever your skills may be, if you are committed to making camp the best week of our campers’ year, we’d love to hear from you!
Camp Details:
Dates: August 20-August 25, 2018 (volunteers arrive August 19)
Location: Vaughn, WA
Requirements: Be at least 16 years old, submit an application, complete an interview, and pass background and reference checks. Please visit the requirements page of our website for more information.
How to Apply:
Learn more about our application process, and visit to apply today.
Questions? For more information, please contact Shannon Healey or 405-459-PIGS (7447).
CGRB Seminar
You are invited to attend The Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing 2017-2018 Seminar Series!
Ferroptosis, Mechanism of Cell Death in Vitamin E Deficiency During Embryogenesis?
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Time: 3:30 – 4:30pm
Place: ALS 4001
Maret Traber, Principal Investigator and Ava Helen Pauling Professor, Linus Pauling Institute Director, and Linus Pauling Institute Professor, will be presenting.
OSU Blood Drive
Each and every day, the Red Cross must collect enough blood to meet the needs of accident victims, cancer patients, surgical candidates, children with blood disorders, and others. You can help ensure blood is available when it’s needed and help save lives by donating blood during Week 5 with the American Red Cross and Blood Drive Association at Oregon State University!
Sign-ups to donate and volunteer will be going on during Week 5 in the MU quad.
OSU Spring Blood Drive:
Monday, May 7 — Thursday, May 10 in the OSU Memorial Union Ballroom
Friday, May 11 at the First United Methodist Church
Go online and enter sponsor code “OSU” or call 1-800-733-2767 to schedule your donation.
Many volunteer opportunities are available each day. Sign up to volunteer!
Advancing Rural and Community Health Equity
This new summer program brings together students, professionals, and community members interested in exploring opportunities and challenges for advancing rural and community health equity in the context of poverty.
This unique offering combines two courses, Families and Poverty (HDFS 447 / 547) and Community Engagement and Social Change (HDFS 408 / 508), to examine the multiple causes and consequences of family poverty and allow you to develop a customized plan within a community. Both courses are required. You can choose either credit or non-credit (professional development) options.
Through course activities, guest speakers, a field trip, and a community-based project, you will learn and apply community engagement strategies to affect positive change. Participants may include OSU students, OSU Extension field faculty, and community partners.
For more information, visit the website!
Mental Health First Aid Training
It’s easy to tell when someone is having a heart attack, is choking, or can’t breathe. But what does depression look like? Or anxiety? Would you know how to respond when someone says they are thinking about suicide?
Come to an info session about Mental Health First Aid on Monday, May 21, 3-4pm in Waldo Hall 400. This one-hour info session will be provided by a certified Mental Health First Aid USA instructor from Samaritan Health Services. The info session will cover what Mental Health First Aid training is, why it is beneficial, and how you can receive the full eight-hour training at no cost.
Mental Health First Aid is listed in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. The Mullins Charitable Funds, in partnership with the Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation, offers Mental Health First Aid training in Benton, Lincoln, and Linn counties.
To make sure we have enough space, please register online for the information session.
Activism Speaker
Amy Pence-Brown will give a talk titled “Taking up space: Fat feminism, body liberation, and being an advocate for radial change” on Monday, May 7, at 4pm in the Valley Library, room 3622.
Study Abroad – Weekly Wednesdays
OSU GO Weekly Weds_Spring 2018
The Office of Global Opportunities is offering a “Weekly Wednesdays” series this spring for students who are keen on exploring both the “ways and means” of studying abroad. Join the Office of Global Opportunities in the Student Experience Center to learn more about studying abroad and international internships. The Weekly Wednesdays will take place in the Student Experience Center (SEC) in either the Involvement Lounge (SEC 112) or the SEC Lobby 12-1pm.
May 2 — Student Voices: Going Abroad is possible! (SEC 112)*
May 9 — Ways and Means to Go Global (SEC Lobby)
May 16 — Ways and Means to Go Global (SEC Lobby)
May 23 — Getting Resourceful: Scholarships and Grants to Study Abroad (SEC 112)
May 30 — Ways and Means to Go Global (SEC 112)
*At the May 2nd student panel, hear from our very own Rozalyn Goldberg. Rozalyn is a Junior in Public Health and will be sharing about her internship in South Africa with Child Family Health International!
Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) Event
Registration for OSU’s 2018 Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) event is now open! CUE provides undergraduates with an excellent opportunity to showcase their research or creative activities. OSU undergraduates in all years of study, all academic disciplines, and all stages of research or creative work are eligible to present. Students can present solo or group projects. While most students present research posters, we invite students with artistic/creative projects and Ecampus students to apply as well.
The event will be held on Thursday, May 24, 9:00am to 12:00pm, in the MU Ballroom. Click here for more details and to register! The deadline for registering for CUE is May 14 at 5:00pm.
If you have any questions about whether you would be eligible or have concerns about presenting, please reach out via email or visit our drop-in advising hours in Waldo 140 on Mondays and Tuesdays 1-3pm.
The Pre-Therapy and Allied Health Club’s annual Wheel-A-Thon is coming up on Friday, May 18. The event raises awareness for disabilities and raises money for the Multiple Sclerosis Clinic and Individualized Movement and Physical Activity for Children Today (IMPACT). Sign up for a time to compete in the wheelchair obstacle course from 10am to 6pm in the SEC plaza. There will be prizes for the team that completes the most laps in 10 minutes and for the team that donates the most to the cause. Register your team of four or more people on the “Wheel-A-Thon 2018” Facebook page.
Contact or with any questions!
HDFS Student Club
Do you want to be more involved on campus? Are you interested in Human Services, Childhood Development, or any general HDFS work? Join the HDFS Student Club! Their purpose is to provide networking/professional development and service opportunities to those who wish to participate. The club is a great way to meet students and faculty in the HDFS department, build your résumé, and gain experience for graduate school or work beyond college. Meetings are held at least once a month where students contribute to organizing club events.
Questions? Contact the Faculty Adviser Lori McGraw or the Club President Kennedy (Mae) Smith. Check out their Facebook and Twitter pages, and join their Listserv!
Do You Know Your Advisor?
Need help finding your assigned advisor? Check your MyDegrees student degree checklist in the Assigned Advisor block, or call the Office of Student Success at 541-737-8900.



Public Health


Academic Advisor
HDFS Ecampus

Public Health

Public Health

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