Happy Dead Week!

Make sure to get plenty of sleep and take a break or two to walk around the campus now and then for a refresher. Take a look at all the things you need to know for week 10.

Important Dates

  • Dead Week: Nov. 28–Dec. 2
  • Priority Registration Phase 2 with Waitlisting: Starts Dec. 1; ends Jan. 16
  • Last Day for withdrawal from the term: Dec. 2 at 5pm
  • Finals Week: Dec. 5-9
  • MyDegrees Not Refreshing: Dec. 12-13, due to high volume of activity, MyDegrees data are not refreshed nightly during grading
  • Grades available on Web: Dec. 14

Coming Spring Term!

Registration PINS

Starting Spring term 2017, ALL students must have an approved Fall 2017 term course plan on file in their MyDegrees, in order to receive a PIN and register for classes. Tutorial for MyDegrees and Planner.

First-Year students will receive their Winter and Spring Term PINS after the First Year Workshops or individual advising appointment.


Announcement all PHHS students

Check your email for an upcoming OSS evaluation! Fill out the evaluation to provide feedback for our advising staff. Your input is greatly valued.

Job Opportunity: PHHS Peer Advisor

The Office of Student Success in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences is looking for student workers to fill 6-7 part-time peer advisor positions (approximately 4-12 hours a week, not to exceed 20 hours per week). Peer advising provides support and services to PHHS students in the following areas: academic advising, internships, study abroad, career development, graduate programs admissions, and accreditation and assessment.

Application Deadline: Jan. 11, 2017. See Ask a Peer Advisor for more information, see:

Volunteer Opportunity

The Student Recognition and Awards Committee is looking to add a few students to assist with awarding some scholarships to deserving OSU students! The committee coordinates awards that are all-University in nature and that are awarded by faculty to students. The committee also plans and conducts, with the support of an ex-officio, an assembly or other appropriate program for the presentation of these awards to their recipients. If you would like to serve on the committee, please contact Nelson Sigrah.

Winter Term Classes- Seeking Students

H448- Environmental & Occupational Toxicology & Risk Assessment (3 credits)
Introduction to the basic principles of toxicology and risk assessment as they apply to environmental and occupational health. PREREQS: H 344 [C-] and one year basic college chemistry and biology and two terms organic chemistry.

H449- Mass Media and Health (3 credits)
Designed to examine the effects of mass media on population health, from the negative impact of advertising of cigarettes, alcohol and junk food, to the (hopefully) positive impact of public-health campaigns. PREREQS: (H 225 [D-] and H 320 [D-] ) and junior standing.

KIN194– Professional Activities (1-2 credits)
Basic movement skills, basic rhythms, track and field.

Mentorship Program

URSA Engage is designed to establish mentoring relationships for undergraduates early in their program at OSU. The program will provide $750 for the undergraduate URSA Engage awardees. Undergraduate Application Deadline: Jan. 31, 2017. For more information and to register, see: URSA Engage


Comments, questions or feedback about the news? Drop us a line at Ask a Peer Advisor.

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