Writing Exercise #5

There are many choice that we make in terms of food, nutrition, product use, and consumption that influence our microbial communities.  Some of these choices are intentional, and others, unintentional. One intentionally purchases anti-microbial soap to better sanitize hands, or anti-dandruff shampoo to better maintain a healthy scalp, or intentionally consumes foods with active live cultures to improve gut function. We make these choices to intentionally improve our health and/or to take care of our bodies. On the other hand, one does not intentionally consume expired food, which negatively impacts our gut microbial balance, or use beauty products that negatively impact the “good” bacteria living on our skin. Although these choices are made with good intentions, they have the capacity to be detrimental to our body and/or health. These “bad” decision are made due to a lack of knowledge, possibly regarding the “freshness” of food or the possible effects from every ingredient in beauty products. It is our responsibility as consumers to be informed of the possible risks with everything that we consume or place on our bodies. We house many foreign bacteria that are necessary for our health; we must care for them as they care for us.


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