Fresh of the digital press! The article “Partners in showcasing history: Activating the land-grant engagement mission through collaborative exhibits” co-authored by Anne Bahde, Tiah Edmunson-Morton, and Natalia Fernández is published in the journal Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues. Alexandria focuses on national and international library and information (LIS) issues. It is concerned with LIS related concepts, policy and practice within all national collection institutions. The “Partners in Showcasing History” article is part of a set of articles on exhibition within special collections and archives.
Article Abstract: The land-grant university in the United States holds a special role in higher education, enacting the ideals of public education, scientific research and direct engagement with the citizens of the state. In this article, three curators from a land-grant university discuss how their exhibit curation work fulfills these ideals through three case studies on exhibit collaborations. By examining lessons learned from their collaborations with students and faculty, campus organizations and community groups, the authors offer suggestions for navigating exhibit partnerships and planning for future collaborations.
The third case study in the article “Case study 3: Partnership with community organizations” features the OMA’s collaboration with two performing arts organizations, Milagro Theatre and the Obo Addy Legacy Project, to curate the 2014 exhibit “Applause!”
Bahde, A., Edmunson-Morton, T., & Fernández, N. (2019). Partners in showcasing history: Activating the land-grant engagement mission through collaborative exhibits. Alexandria. https://doi.org/10.1177/0955749019876372