Glitter in the Archives! Year 2


Today, OSQA hosted its second annual Glitter in the Archives crafting event! We supplied attendees with copies of archival materials to use as part of their collage creations. Just as it was last year, one of the main goals of this event was to use archival materials as a way to imagine queer futures, particularly as they pertain to OSU and the surrounding community.

And, a note from Sam, graduate student at the Oregon State Queer Archives: “This year’s Glitter in the Archives event was a wonderful moment in the queer history of OSU. Using copies of archival materials and popular images connected with queer politics and queer lives today, participants created some truly fantastic collages that blur the boundaries between past, present, and future. Having participated in the event last, it amazing to see things from the other side: I witnessed the excitement in participants’ eyes as they cut things apart and reassembled them in interesting ways that sent entirely new messages about the role of queer histories and possibilities for queer futures at Oregon State University and beyond. Thank you to everyone who attended the event – I hope you got as much out of it as I did!”

Check out Glitter in the Archives 2016 and see this year’s event photos below!

Glitter Event Attendees

Glitter Event Attendees

Donations to OSQA!

Donations to OSQA!

Button Making:

Button Makers

Button Makers



Beautiful Collages:

glitter2-collage1 glitter2-collage3glitter2-collage4glitter2-collage5collage_2

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