The OMA Featured in Memoria


Memoria is The Society of American Archivists (SAA)’s Latin American & Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives Section blog, and the OMA was featured this month!

The OMA Featured in Memoria, October 2017


“LACCHA is a forum for anyone interested in the issues affecting Latin American and Caribbean Archives housed in United States archives, and archives created by the Diaspora’s communities from the Latin American and Caribbean region.

The mission of the Latin American and Caribbean Cultural Heritage Archives (LACCHA) section is to create a space to exchange ideas and provide support among US, Caribbean and Latin American archivists about the challenges and opportunities of acquiring, managing, preserving and giving access to those archival materials not only originating from Latin American & the Caribbean and housed in the United States but also archival collections created by groups from different Diasporas coming from these regions and living in the United States.”

~ SAA LACCHA Memoria blog about page

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