RG 272 Native American Longhouse Eena Haws


The collection RG 272 Native American Longhouse Eena Haws (NAL) is now available!

The Native American Longhouse Eena Haws, the oldest of the university’s cultural centers, was established in 1971 to honor the cultures of those of Native American descent. It moved to a converted Quonset hut a year later; this center was remodeled in 1999. Just this past year the NAL recently moved into a beautiful new longhouse. Although the move is recent, a new longhouse has been decades in the making with students advocating for a new building for many years. In fact, in 1993 a building proposal was written which includes the history of the NAL, arguments in favor of a new building, and plans for a new longhouse. Take a look back at the proposal from 20 years ago…

1993 Building Proposal: The Philip Lane Sr. Native American Longhouse of The Oregon State University Memorial Union

Native American Longhouse (old and new buildings)

The NAL acts as the focal point for most Native American students, but also as a public service center to provide services and hospitality to the university and surrounding communities. It is also used as a teaching area for traditional singing, dancing, storytelling, and ceremony; additionally, every May the center hosts its annual Salmon Bake. The NAL is managed by the office of Diversity and Cultural Engagement.

The RG 272 NAL collection includes 17 photo albums that represent over 25 years of the NAL’s history. All of the albums have been digitized and the physical albums remain at the NAL.

The Native American Longhouse Eena Haws Photo Albums

Link to all 17 NAL albums

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, Undated
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, including images of the Pow Wow princess, drumming, and dancing.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1984-1987
Events and activities depicted: Meals at the Longhouse, Pow Wows, and a salmon bake. The album contains various newspaper clippings from the Barometer and flyers for the 7th annual Pow Wow in 1984, the 1985 Pow Wow, and the 1987 Pow Wow. Also included are a flyer and news clipping regarding a rally in support of the Navajo and Hopi tribes in Arizona and a newspaper clipping from the Associated Press regarding the dismissed murder charges against Robert Van Pelt.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1988
Events and activities depicted: A lecture by and reception for Wilma Mankiller of the Cherokee Nation and the 12th annual Pow Wow, November 1988. Within these two events, activities depicted include the sale of jewelry and accessories, drumming, dancing, and gathering for meals. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Bud Heycamp of “Baker Bay Beads” (page 4); Wilma Crowe, Sioux (page 20); Fish Martinez (page 23); Don Mocassin, Chemawa (page 25 top photo, on left).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1989
Events and activities depicted: Spring and Winter Pow Wows including dancing, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and making fry bread. Also included is a ceremony for the dedication of a small plaque honoring the Native Americans that lived in the Corvallis; Tcha Peenafu (the place where the elderberries grow) was the local Native American name for the Corvallis area.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1990
Events and activities depicted: Spring Pow Wow, May 1990 in Gill Coliseum, including dancing, drumming, dining, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and craft making. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Paul Whitehead, Siletz (page 10); Carol Brunoe, Warm Springs (page 12 bottom photo); Dick Ross, Professor Emeritus Anthropology (page 43 top photo); Carol Brunoe, Warm Springs (page 44 and 55 bottom photos).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1992
Event depicted: Graduate party at the Liberty Residence.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, circa 1995
Events and activities depicted: Indoor and outdoor gatherings that included dancing and drumming. Also included are photographs of NAL staff and community supporters; photos of items such as Kachina dolls, baskets, pottery, and jewelry; and images of the inside of the NAL (the Quonset hut) including the work areas, leisure areas, and kitchen.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1995
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, both indoors and outdoors; students studying and meeting inside of the NAL. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Paul Whitehead, Siletz (page 10 bottom photo); Shirod Younker, artist for new NACC (page 5 middle photo); name unknown, EOP Student, Siletz (page 7 top photo); Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet (page 9 middle photo).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow including dancing, drumming, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and the sale of fry bread; meeting inside of the NAL.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997-1998
Events and activities depicted: Cooking fry bread and class of 1998 celebration. Also included are images of the Memorial Union and trees in the vicinity outside of the NAL as well as photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997-2000
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, 1998; Faces of the Longhouse, 1997; Diversity Development Staff Training, 1998-1999; Indigenous Peoples Day celebration with guest speaker Edward Castillo, October 1998; The Visiting Writers Series and The Craft of Writing Series with James Welch, October 1998; American Indian Student Retreat; NAL Advisory Board Dinner, October 1998; Frybread Booth / Can Food Drive for the Hurricane Mitch victims, November 1998; Winter Longhouse Potluck; Winter Term Staff Retreat; MLK Jr. Fun Run/Walk, 1999; Test Taking Skills Workshop, February 1999; Drum Making Class, February 1999; Craft Night, February 1999; The Ethnic Studies Colloquium Series guest speaker author Laura Tohe, March 1999; Salem Bake, Winter 1999; Winter Finals Week Breakfast; Longhouse Needs Assessment Dinner; Baseball game, Spring 1999; R. Carlos Nakai Concert, Spring 1999; Winona LaDuke, environmental activist, lecture, Spring 1999; Pow Wow, Spring 1999; Pumpkin Carving, October 1999; The Longhouse Blessing, November 1999; Staff Retreat, January 2000; Welcome Dinner for Frank and Allison, January 2000; NAL staff at the rec center; Building Bridges, January 2000; All Staff Bowling Night, February 2000; Siblings Weekend, February 2000; Pine Nut Beading and Craft Night; Longhouse Grand Opening, May 2000; Wacky Olympics, May 2000; Salmon Bake, 2000; Making Leis, 2000.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2000-2002
Events and activities depicted: All Cultural Centers Staff Retreat at the coast; Images of the Longhouse prior to its renovation and after; Training for 2000-2001 staff; Open House, Fall 2000; Recognition Dinner in honor of Kurt Peters and Allison Davis-White Eyes; High School students visitors at the NAL; Craft Night, 2000; Local Kine Grinds; Pacific Islanders Outreach Dinner; Midnight Breakfast; Tom Happynook lecture regarding traditional values and marine resources, April 2001; Valentine’s craft making; Wacky Olympics; Salmon Bake, including images of the fire pit, dancers, and the guests, May 2001; Pacific Island Night, 2000-2001; QRC Drag Show; Lei Making, 2001; OSCC Conference; Fry Bread sale; Siblings Weekend; Halloween Pumpkin Carving, October 2001; Midnight Breakfast at the BCC; Salmon Bake including images of the fire pit, Aztec dancers, fry bread, and the guests, 2002; Halloween Pumpkin Carving, October 2002.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2001, 2003, 2006-2009
Events and activities depicted: The Camas Dig, 2009; The 7th Annual Jim Thorpe Fun Run, May 2009; Salmon Bake; Fry Bread sale; Pow Wow and Salmon Bake, 2003; All Center Tailgater for Dad’s Weekend, 2006; Acorn Soup Demonstration; All Center Winter Retreat, January 2007; Kids for Equality for MLK Jr. Week, January 2007; Staff Potluck; Gift Giving, December 2006; Elders Luncheon; The Hula Club demonstration; NAL Open House, 2007; Salmon Bake, 2007; Pumpkin Relay, Fall 2007; Speed Dating, February 2008; Craft Night, January 2008; Cultural Center Expansion Project meeting, 2007-2008; Storytelling event; Hawaiian Traditional Crafts, 2003; NAL Open House, Fall 2006; Siblings Weekend; Necklace Making; Pow Wow; OSCC, 2001; Bowling, January 2003; Oxygen Bar, February 2002; Drag Show.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2004-2006
Events and activities depicted: Taco Feed event; NAL Open House for 2005-2006; Longhouse Blessing, 2006; Tribal Sovereignty lecture with guest speaker Bobbie Conner; Basket Weaving workshop; and a dance workshop. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters as well as artwork of young children.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2009-2010
Events and activities depicted: Staff Training; Native American Heritage Month Kickoff Celebration; Litefoot concert; Gardening event; 12th annual Salmon Bake with MC Bill Quaempts, comedian Elaine Miles, and dance performances by Aztec Dancers and Apache Crown Dancers. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2010-2011
Events and activities depicted: 2010 Open House, including cooking preparation and the meal; Native American Heritage Month 2010 program of events; Silver Smith demonstration; Craft nights photos, including making dream-catchers; Friendship Dance; Worlds AIDS Day education event; Acorn Processing event; Chemawa Indian School visit. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2011-2012
Events and activities depicted: Cooking; Native American Heritage Month 2011 program of events; Native American Heritage Month Kick-Off; Benny the Beaver with NAL staff representing N7; Trip to the coast; Deanna Kingston memorial program; Traditional arts and gardening. Also included are photos of the construction of the new longhouse, photos of the inside of the Quonset Hut, as well as photos of the NAL staff and community supporters.

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