Sabor Latino ~ a Yamhill County Celebration!


On September 24th, in celebration of Latino/a Heritage Month 2016, Yamhill County hosted “Sabor Latino” at the Chemeketa Community College Yamhill Valley Campus – and the OMA project Nuestras Voces y Herencia was there to share the stories gathered so far!

“Sabor Latino” was a collaborative event presented by the Latino Advocacy Coalition of Yamhill County. The Latino Advocacy Coalition (LAC) gathers each month to work toward a vision of inclusive, diverse, and equitable communities in Yamhill County.

The event included music, dance, zumba, and food! Nuestras Voces y Herencia had a space to share information about the project and featured about 30 minutes of clips from a variety of oral history interviews. We shared the room with an exhibit of photographs of the Woodburn area Latino/a community. Check out all the pics below:

Nuestras Voces y Herencia

The Voces Project at Sabor Latino

The Voces Project at Sabor Latino

Voces Project Information

Voces Project Information

Voces Project Coordinator Rita M-S speaking with a community member

Voces Project Coordinator Rita Martínez-Salas speaking with a community member

Exhibit of photographs of the Woodburn area Latino/a community



“Sabor Latino” Activities ~ Games and dance, including the Mexica Tiahui Aztec Dance Group and the Ballet Folklorico Tlanese




And, be sure to check out our other blog posts about Nuestras Voces y Herencia!

September 25, 2015 and July 18, 2016 Events

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