Nuestras Voces y Herencia ~ Yamhill County’s Latino/a community


Nuestras Voces y Herencia is a grant funded project dedicated to gathering and preserving the life stories of Yamhill County’s Latino/a community. The Yamhill County Cultural Coalition and the Yamhill County Historical Society & Museum are partnering with the OMA and Unidos Bridging Community to share the stories gathered. On July 18, 2016, our project’s granting agency, the Yamhill County Cultural Trust, hosted a “Thank You Party” for all the grantees and the Voces project was delighted to attend!

Our table was filled with project information as well as two iPad listening stations so attendees could hear community members’ stories.


Voces Project Table at the YCCC Event

YCCC Event July 18, 2016

YCCC Event July 18, 2016

Event Attendees at the Listening Stations

Event Attendees at the Listening Stations

As we gather and make accessible the oral history interviews, we will make them available via the project website, so be sure to check back often!

Nuestras Voces y Herencia project website

Voces Project Partners

Voces Project Partners

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