The OMA at Western Roundup 2015

It only occurs once every five years in the archives profession, and the OMA was excited to participate as part of the 2015 gathering of Western Roundup in Denver, CO! The Roundup is a joint conference of the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists (CIMA), Northwest Archivists (NWA), Society of California Archivists (SCA), and Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists (SRMA). The OMA is a member of NWA, and was invited to present twice!

Digital Publishing to Feature the Histories of Multicultural Performing Arts Groups

This first presentation was a part of the session: “Unrecorded/Uncollected: New Approaches to Documenting Under-Represented Groups”

Archivists have become increasingly interested in documenting groups that have been erased, hidden or ignored in the historical record. This panel will address theoretical problems and provide innovate ideas for creating and managing collections on groups that have few traditional sources. The speakers will discuss methods for building documentation including digital exhibits, oral history recordings, participatory community archiving and digital publishing projects. Examples from collections centered on the experiences of Native American students, medical patients, multicultural performing arts groups and others will be presented.

Collaborations between Tribal and Non-Tribal Organizations: Sharing Expertise, Knowledge, and Cultural Resources ~ A Research Study

The second presentation was featured in the panel: “Collaborations between Tribal and Non-Tribal Organizations: Sharing Expertise, Knowledge, and Cultural Resources ~ A Research Study”

Collaborations between tribal and non-tribal organizations bring diverse communities together to educate and learn, address misinterpretations of the past, and to share cultural resources and knowledge. In this session, attendees will gain an understanding of the collaborative process between tribal and non-tribal organizations based upon a research project that explored how successful partnerships between tribal and non-tribal institutions are initiated, developed, and maintained. Then, attendees will learn about the opportunity to take action and become a part of the Sustainable Heritage Network (SHN), a project that promotes collaborative stewardship by encouraging its members to work together by providing each other digitization and preservation assistance. This session is open to attendees who wish to learn more about the collaborative process between tribal and non-tribal institutions, who have collections pertaining to tribal communities, and who would like to begin or expand their outreach efforts and relationships between tribal and non-tribal institutions.

Be sure to check out both presentations!

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