Celebrate Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month ~ It’s the OSU APCC’s 25th Anniversary!

APCC Display

Join the OMA and the OSU Asian Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) in celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2015. This year, it’s the APCC’s 25th anniversary and its 21st year of celebrating heritage month. Plus, the center also celebrated its grand opening of its brand new building and location! So, the OMA curated a small display to showcase the APCC – come see the display in person at the Valley Library and check out photos of the items featured through the 2015 Digital Display in Flickr

Display Information:
When: May-June 2015
Where: Main Floor, OSU Valley Library, Display Case to the left of the Main Entrance 
Who: Display curated by Avery Sorensen, OMA student worker

Also, be sure to check out our previous heritage month displays…

Oregon Multicultural Archives Heritage Month Displays

Display Digital Collections in Flickr

And, if you what to learn more about the history of the APCC, check out the Asian & Pacific Cultural Center Records, 1987-2014 (RG 245) as well as the APCC 2014 staff oral history interviews!

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