“Histories of Students of Color at OSU” Campus Tour Guidebook

This Fall Term the OMA collaborated with the U-Engage class ALS 199 “Untold Stories: Histories of People of Color in Oregon” to create a campus tour regarding the histories of OSU’s students of color, and the tour guidebook is now available!

There are two versions of the tour guidebook: one is the version to view digitally and the other is the version that when printed and folded in half becomes a booklet. Both are available through OSU’s ScholarsArchive.

Click Here for the Online Version of the Booklet

For the print version of the booklet, click here and select the print file. Then follow the instructions listed in the abstract.

The stories selected for this booklet showcase the impact and contributions that students of color have had on the OSU campus. The stories range from celebrating the lives of OSU’s first female and male African Americans to graduate from OSU, to documenting student led protests in an effort to raise awareness of important issues, to recounting the establishment of four of the campus cultural centers, to detailing the desegregation of the men’s basketball team, and finally, to honoring the Japanese American students who were forced to leave their studies during World War II.

Here is the map with the 10 tour sites; the self-guided tour lasts about 1 hour:

On behalf of the ALS 199 class and the OMA, we hope you enjoy the tour!

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One Response to “Histories of Students of Color at OSU” Campus Tour Guidebook

  1. Dwaine Plaaa says:

    “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” — Marcus Garvey

    This is an excellent addition to the growing history of OSU. People of color have made and continue to make major contributions to the university life. Its only when you visit the OSU archives or read back in the OSU yearbooks that you begin to see that people of color have been blazing the trails that allows the current generation of students to be successful.

    Thanks Natalia, Janet and Kim for guiding the students to complete this meaningful project.

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