The Urban League of Portland’s 2013 Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner

OSU Table at the EOD Dinner

This year marks another fantastic Urban League of Portland (ULPDX) Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner and the OMA was there to celebrate!

The honoree this year was Dr. George J. Brown, President and CEO of Legacy Health System, and the keynote speaker was Dr. Marc Nivet, chief diversity officer at the Diversity Policy and Programs department of the Association of American Medical Colleges. Both spoke about the need for health equity for all Americans and the importance of cultural competence in health care.

Every year the OMA brings a small display to showcase the Urban League’s history. It is always a great pleasure to speak to attendees and share information about the collection with them, information such as the over 480 images available online through the OMA Digital Collection, quick link “Urban League of Portland”, and the dozens of textual documents, including the organization’s Meeting Minutes and Newsletters, through OSU’s institutional repository ScholarsArchive. Although not everything in the collection is available online, you can find out more on the Urban League of Portland Online Collection and you are always welcome to come to OMA to research the collection in person!

Check out the Mike Dicianna, OMA student worker, with the ULPDX Display…

Mike and the ULPDX Display

And, see a few more photos from this fantastic event:

The Program:

The Banquet Hall:

The Portland Business Journal featuring Michael Alexander, President and CEO:

We look forward to our next Urban League of Portland event!

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