The Oregon Tribal Archives Institute ~ Day 2

Our Morning Sessions at Siletz

Day 2, August 21 ~ Our Morning at Siletz

The second day of TAI was all about the physical aspects of archives planning are care; both on the building level and item level.

We began our day with a trip to Siletz that included 2 sessions and a tour ~

Facilities Planning

Panel Session with David Lewis, Robert Kentta, and Kim Mueller

Tour of the Siletz Facilities

Robert Kentta with archival materials

Disaster Planning

Larry Landis giving a lecture regarding the creation of disaster plans

Day 2, August 21 ~ Our Afternoon at Benton County Historical Society (BCHS)

BCHS Building

We began the afternoon with a tour of the fabulous BCHS facilities:

Irene Zenev, BCHS Executive Director

We continued with the afternoon session of Collections Maintenance and Care

Larry Landis, “Preservation Overview” lecture

To conclude the day, we broke up into small groups to get hands on, item level care tips via 4 Preservation Stations

Elizabeth Nielsen, A/V Station

Larry Landis, Photo Station

Mary Gallagher, Textiles Station

Trevor Sandgathe, Paper Station

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