The Oregon Tribal Archives Institute Has Begun!

  TAI Tote Bags

Goals of the OR TAI ~

  • Networking ~ this is a gathering of tribal archivists, records managers, culture keepers with all nine federally recognized tribes of Oregon represented. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet, share knowledge, and build relationships.
  • Professional Development ~ we are all here to learn of course.
  • Celebration ~ archives are essential to a community’s identity and we are all here because we love the archival profession!

Opening Dinner, August 19th

On Sunday night the attendees arrived, checked-in to the residence hall, and went to dinner! We started the week off yesterday evening with an intimate dinner in the CH2M Johnson Lounge. We had several special guests in attendance including Allison Davis-White Eyes, Intercultural Student Services and her husband, along with Faye Chadwell and Shan Sutton, OSU Libraries.

Our keynote speaker was Jennifer O’Neal of the Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of the American Indian who spoke about her journey as a tribal archivist.

David Lewis, Larry Landis, and Jennifer O’Neal 

Dinner Attendees


Institute Attendees and Faye Chadwell, OSU University Librarian (on right) 

Day 1, August 20th

Our first day began with an orientation and introduction session and then we continued on with the three sessions for the day:

Grant Funding Opportunities

Larry Landis, Session Facilitator

Archives 101 and Collections Management Systems

Jennifer O’Neal, Session Facilitator

To take a little break in the afternoon, we stopped by the 5th Floor Reading Room…

                                    5th Floor Reading Room, OSU SCARC

Manuscripts Galore with Anne Bahde


And just as a final, fun note…

TAI Pins!

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