Burns Paiute Tribe Visit, August 31

This week had us traveling to Burns, OR to visit with representatives of the Burns Paiute Tribe.  The meeting was a great success bringing together 9 members from different departments throughout the tribe to talk about their records programs and make connections.  Burns may be one of the smaller Oregon Tribes, but they still generate a lot of records.  Together we developed some great ideas for the curriculum for the summer 2012 Archives and Records Management Institute and we look forward to working with them more throughout the next year.

Community Center

The Tu-Kwa-Hone Community Center on the Burns Paiute Reservation.

As August comes to a close, we are nearing the end of our summer site visits.  There are only two trips left to go. Next week will be be in Roseburg to visit with members of the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians.

Tu-Kwa-Hone Burns Paiute Community Center Sign

Sign at the Tu-Kwa-Hone Community Center on the Burns Paiute Reservation.

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