Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Site Visit, August 9

This week’s travels landed us in Pendleton, OR were we met with representatives of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.  The meeting was an opportunity for us to tour the newly constructed Nixyáawii Governance Center which includes a records center facility.  This new space has allowed the tribal administration to pull most of their records together into a single location and will be immensely helpful as they continue to develop records policies and retention schedules.

During our visit, we also toured the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute.  Tamástslikt museum is a truly moving experience and beautifully done.  It is a must see if you are ever in the Pendleton area.  The collections and research manager at Tamástslikt, Malissa Minthorn Winks, brings to the table years of experience and stewardship of her community’s most valuable cultural records and we look forward to working with her and the rest of the Umatilla community as this project develops.

Tamástslikt Cultural Institute

Entrance to the Tamástslikt Cultural Institute in Pendleton, OR

We don’t have any trips planned for the next two weeks as we prepare to travel to the SAA conference in Chicago, but will be back on the road again to Burns almost as soon as our suitcases hit the floor.  Check back later for an update about our meeting with members of the Burns Piaute Tribe on August 31st.

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