Planning for the 2012 Archives and Records Training Institute for Oregon’s Tribes is Underway

We are now well underway with the planning stages of the archives and records training institute.  In the past few weeks we have gathered survey responses on the status of current tribal records programs in the state and are now in the process of scheduling dates for our site visits to each of the tribes in Oregon.  With 9 federally recognized tribes in the state and only 10 weeks of summer to do them in, it is going to be a busy couple of months for everyone here at the OMA.  The crazy travel schedule aside, we cannot wait for the chance to see the state, meet some amazing people, and talk our favorite subject–archives.

For those of you who are not familiar with this project, here are some more details about the grant proposal and our vision for what we would like the training institute to become.

This project will address the need for in-depth archives and records management training for Oregon’s nine federally recognized tribes.  Establishing formal and sustainable archives and records management programs by the tribes has been difficult in part due to the lack of affordable and location-accessible training opportunities for tribal members with responsibilities for records.  The need for this training will be met through the planning and implementation of a one week institute that will cover the basic concepts and requirements for tribes to establish or improve their archives and records management programs.  The training will be based in Oregon and will be at no or low cost to tribal participants.  Beyond the training institute, the OSU Libraries will be able to continue working with the tribes on records related issues in a consulting capacity and help to facilitate information sharing among the tribes.

Our goal for this summer is to complete a site visit to each of the tribes in Oregon.  This will help us to be able to develop a curriculum for the institute that is both timely and relevant to the needs of the diverse communities represented.  We hope also to foster a sense of community and future collaboration and dialogue not only between OSU Archives and the tribal communities, but also amongst archivists within the communities themselves.

The first site visit is scheduled for July 7, so be on the lookout and if you see us on the road this summer, wave hello.

For more information about the training institute contact:

Natalia Fernández
Oregon Multicultural Librarian
OSU Libraries: Oregon Multicultural Archives

Larry Landis
University Archivist/Interim Head of Special Collections
OSU Libraries: University Archives and Special Collections

Laura Cray
Graduate Student Intern
OSU Libraries: University Archives

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