Students Attend MTS

A group of coastal high school students and teachers were provided with a unique opportunity this week to participate in a professional marine technology conference. The NW Marine Technology Summit brought together industry leaders, researchers, higher education professionals and others who study the ocean with cutting-edge technology, and gave them the opportunity to network and learn from one another.

Organized by the Marine Technology Society (MTS), the theme for this year’s event was “Empowering Innovation in the Pacific Northwest”, and general subject areas included:

Randall Pittman from OSU (right) explains his poster to a Waldport High School student attending MTS

Randall Pittman from OSU (right) explains his poster to a Waldport High School student attending MTS

  • ROVs and Submersibles
  • Innovations in Data Collection, Usability, and Analysis
  • The State of the NW Marine Science Economy
  • Innovations in Ocean Observation
  • Promoting BlueTech in the Northwest
  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  • Marine Operations
  • New Sensors
  • Innovations in Underwater Communications
  • Marine Renewable Energy
  • Underwater Optics and Vision Systems
Members of Waldport High School's Oceanography class met Rep. David Gomberg at MTS

Members of Waldport High School’s Oceanography class met Rep. David Gomberg at MTS


Twenty-five high school students enrolled in Oceanography and Ocean Engineering classes at Waldport High School attended the summit, along with their teachers Melissa Steinman and Daniel Wirick, and two other educators from Toledo Jr/Sr High School. The students and teachers attended session presentations, asked questions, and networked with professionals throughout the two-day event. Students presented their underwater robot and poster at the Oregon Coast STEM Hub table, handed out business cards, and interacted with new technology in the Exhibit Hall. They learned about careers they hadn’t known about before, and met many people living on the coast today who make their living working with marine technology.

Debbie Kelley from the University of Washington offers career advice to students during the Speed Networking session

Debbie Kelley from the University of Washington offers career advice to students during the Speed Networking session

One highlight of the summit designed especially for students was the “Speed Networking” sessions held on both days. During each session, five professionals sat down with small groups of students to talk about marine STEM careers and opportunities, share their experiences and advice, and respond to student questions. After just a few minutes, each group rotated to a new professional, so that by the end of the session the students had interacted with all the adult participants. The fast-paced session was well received by all involved.

The Oregon Coast STEM Hub would like to thank those who shared their time with students in the Speed Networking session: Kevin Buch, OSU Diving Safety Officer; Wil Black, Jenny Walsh and Stacy Fogel from Point 97; Kristen Kolden from Alaska Seismic & Environmental; Markus Horning from OSU Marine Mammal Institute; Michael Vardaro from OSU College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences; Debbie Kelley from the University of Washington; Stewart Lamerdin, OSU Marine Superintendent; and Pete Zerr from Schmidt Ocean Institute.

Pete Zerr from Schmidt Ocean Institute shares career advice with students at the 2014 NW Marine Technology Summit.

Pete Zerr from Schmidt Ocean Institute shares career advice with students at the 2014 NW Marine Technology Summit.

Thanks also to the two Waldport High School teachers who prepared their students for attending the MTS event, and who helped them navigate once they were there. The students themselves are to be commended for infiltrating seamlessly into the summit and asking thoughtful questions. They will surely be discussing their impressions back in the classroom!

Student and teacher participation in the NW Marine Technology Summit resulted in meaningful interactions among current and future generations of ocean STEM professionals. Thanks to all the partners who made this experience possible.

Waldport HS students displayed their underwater robot at MTS

Waldport HS students displayed their underwater robot at MTS

Floating Fish Challenge

“Look! They did it!” someone exclaimed, pointing to the center of the room. All eyes turned to see the blue floating fish hanging in mid-air, beaming its pleased paper smile and beginning its slow drift toward an adjacent table. After appreciative whoops and cheers from fellow teams, the room returned to its previous murmur of bustle, creativity and apparent chaos. Soon the blue fish would be joined by creations from other teams… a purple fish, a yellow fish, and a green fish… all floating and hovering around the classroom.

IMGP0798The Floating Fish Challenge was an activity put together by Tracy Crews and Clair Thomas of the Oregon Coast STEM Hub, and the participants in this case were Mentor Teachers from 10 different school districts. Tucked inside a STEM Hub kickoff day featuring speakers, networking, breakout sessions and planning, this hour was our chance to try out and reflect upon a student STEM activity that could be used in a classroom.

Tracy began the activity by talking about the presence and function of the gas-filled swim bladder structure in fish, which enables a fish to control its buoyancy so that it isn’t constantly having to use energy to swim up or down in the water column. Then she introduced the challenge: Working in a team of 3-4 people and using any of the materials provided in the back of the room, fashion a neutrally-buoyant and well-balanced “fish” out of a helium-filled balloon. That is, teams should design a fish that will hang in mid-air, and neither float to the ceiling as a typical untethered balloon is wont to do, nor fall to the floor under the burden of what has been attached to it. The fish should float right-side-up with its mouth and tail aligned on a horizontal plane, and not tipped to the side in a “dead fish” pose. With the challenge and constraints defined, the 21 participants leaped into action.IMGP0797

Not every team approached the challenge in the same way. Will the whole team get up to peruse and gather materials, or is one person sent to the back of the room while the others work on sketching a design on paper? Whose job is it to hold the balloon? To add paper fins? Who retrieves the balloon from the ceiling? Some groups used the provided diagrams of fish external anatomy in order to create a realistic fish and use scientifically accurate terms for the parts they were designing. How important is the color of the balloon or paper fins?

The room got loud. People were animated. One team engineered a tether to keep its fish-in-progress from floating away, and other teams took note and discussed whether or not to replicate the design at their own tables. Balloons were constantly undergoing testing and modifications. The facilitators joked among themselves that they’d never get the teachers back to where they would all sit quietly again and focus on the front of the room. But of course, they also recognized that the controlled chaos, energy and intrinsic motivation on display are the heart of STEM and authentic student learning experiences.

IMGP0810Soon each table encountered at least some measure of success. And, in fact, the teachers actually did sit back down again to reflect as a group.

“What could you teach with this challenge?” the teachers were asked. Their list of responses was long, and included: density, buoyancy, measurements, volume, planning ahead, teamwork, proportion, persistence, fluids, pressure, animal adaptations, art, taxonomy, collaboration, replication, appreciation for the diversity of possible solutions to a problem, and so on.

“How could you modify this challenge?”

  • Add or remove constraints such as what materials can be used in the design
  • Add a requirement to the challenge, such as assigning each team to create a different species of fish
  • Define/identify roles of team members and compare to how professional teams function
  • Connect this activity to other lessons, such as making an ROV neutrally-buoyant in water

Clair Thomas then explained that the Floating Fish Challenge was developed from an existing activity that he uses in Tillamook called “Neutrally Buoyant Balloon”. It’s a challenge found in one of many kits that he carts around in a trailer to STEM Family Nights and other learning events. Scaled for various age groups, the high school version challenges students to calculate and predict how much to blow up a balloon ONCE, tie it off, and have it hang in the air with out rising or falling. What parameters do you need to know to make that calculation? Once the calculations have been made, the students are invited to test their predictions.

“How is this STEM?”

Throughout the day, the Mentor Teachers, Satellite Coordinators, Lead Partners and other members involved in the the kick off had been working through various definitions and meanings of STEM. The Oregon Coast STEM Hub has been guided by the definition of STEM used by the Oregon Department of Education:

“An approach to teaching and lifelong learning that emphasizes the natural interconnectedness of the four separate STEM disciplines. The connections are made explicit through collaboration between educators resulting in real and appropriate context built into instruction, curriculum, and assessment. The common element of problem solving is emphasized across all STEM disciplines allowing students to discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills as they learn.”

The keynote speaker for our kickoff, Mark Lewis, STEM Director for the Oregon Education Investment Board, offered another definition:

Applied curiosity: an insatiable desire to know and a drive to create.

Using these definitions, we were definitely able to identify how the Floating Fish Challenge is a STEM activity. The teams were curious, motivated to create their fish, meet the challenge, and learn from their experiences. The project touched on a several disciplines, including the science of fish anatomy and physics, the engineering of solutions to a proposed challenge and the mathematic calculations required to meet that challenge when limited iterations are permitted. And as for the “t” of STEM, I personally got to use technology as I learned through trial and error how to post and share a 6 second video of the Floating Fish activity to the Oregon Coast STEM Hub Facebook page. Watch it here!




Graphing Stories

Stories capture our interest and imagination.  How can the power of story be applied to math?


A graphic representation of people walking down the stairs outside a building.

Dan Meyer is a teacher and mathematician who blogs and speaks about math education and teaching strategies.  One of his projects is called Graphing Stories, and the way it works is pretty simple: Watch a video of a 15 second event, and then draw a graph that describes a relationship depicted in the video.  For example, the video “Height” depicts a woman in Costa Rica jumping off a tree-top platform to swing on a giant rope swing.  We hear laughter and hear nervous shrieks.  How does her height above the ground change over time?  Students are challenged to draw a graph that describes the relationship.

There are several videos to choose from on the website, and each shows an event in regular and half time speed, and then ends with the answer.

Of course, the next question is, what kinds of video graphing stories could students create to share with others?  With student creativity unleashed, the whole world becomes potential fodder for creating graphing stories…

UPDATE 8-26-14

This just in… Dan Meyer has evolved his thinking since creating Graphing Stories back in 2007.  He has tweaked the way he uses the activity in his classroom and in workshops which focuses on more on *developing the question*:

Here’s how I’ve been doing a better job developing the question lately in workshops.


  • I play the video of Adam sliding.
  • I ask participants to tell their neighbors everything they saw. “Don’t miss a detail,” I say, and I’m always surprised by the details participants recall.
  • I play the video again and I ask the participants to tell their neighbors their answer to the question, “What quantities could we measure throughout the video?” People suggest all kinds of possibilities. Speed, distance from the left side of the screen, height, temperature.
  • Then I tell them I’d like them to focus on Adam’s height. I ask them to tell their neighbors in words what happens to his height over time.
  • We share some descriptions. People compliment and critique one another. Then I point out how difficult it is to describe his height over time in words alone.
  • Only then do I pass out the graphs.

The difference is immense. It takes an extra five minutes but participants are much better prepared to make the graph because they’ve spent so much time thinking about the relationship in so many informal ways. So many more participants walk away from the experience feeling like valued contributors to our group because the questions we’ve asked require a wider breadth of skills than just “graph relationships precisely”.

Read his entire August 15 post

Summer Workshops for Teachers

Attention Educators: Are you looking for STEM-related workshops to attend this summer?  Check out the Oregon Coast STEM Hub website to see what’s happening!

Summer is a time to catch up with family, spend time outdoors, and recuperate from a busy academic year.  But for teachers, summer is also a time to hone skills and discover new techniques in preparation for the start of the coming school year.  The Oregon Coast STEM Hub website lists a variety of upcoming STEM-related PD opportunities on its Professional Development page:

Upcoming opportunities are also listed on the Oregon Coast STEM Hub calendar, which can be accessed directly here: or from the bottom of the Oregon Coast STEM Hub homepage.

OCEP workshop teacherUpcoming PD events in August include coastal field experiences such as a Shoreline Science workshop in Nehalem (Aug 1-3) and an Oregon Coast Education Program workshop in Charleston (Aug 13-15).  In addition, there are opportunities in nearby regions, such as the StreamWebs Watershed Stewardship training on Aug 13 in Corvallis, or the Scientists and Teachers in Education Partnerships offerings on three separate topics in August on the OSU main campus.

STEM Professional Development workshop announcements are only one of many resources available on the Oregon Coast STEM Hub website.  You can help keep this resource useful by visiting the website often, putting its link on your organization’s webpages, and submitting content that can be shared with the rest of the Hub.

Impact of Afterschool STEM Programs




Samantha Stainburn published an article in Education Week today describing an Afterschool Alliance report which examined the impact of STEM-focused after-school programs on students who participate in them.



“The report’s authors find that engaging in activities like hands-on science experiments, computer modeling, and citizen science projects outside the school day increases students’ interest and engagement in science, knowledge of STEM careers, and for some, test scores in math and science.”

Read the full report

Role Models

Who are your STEM role models?  The website for the 2014 USA Science and Engineering Festival has multiple pages full of inspiring role models to choose from and to learn more about.

“The scientists and engineers selected for this series have been chosen because they are true heroes and super stars, the epitome of innovation, technological advancement and persistence. These influential scientists and engineers serve as great examples for the next generation seeking a career in STEM.”


Computer Coding for Kids

Like most Americans, my family and I are consumers of technology.  We use a variety of devices that help us learn, work, play and communicate.  It’s hard to imagine a time before the internet and cell phones, but those of us who are over certain age occasionally feel it necessary to impress upon younger generations about What It Was Like In The Olden Days.  Did you know that way back in, say, the 80’s we had to use a manual typewriter and correcting ribbon to produce essays, photograph and develop slides and put them in a carousel to give a presentation, and stand in the kitchen to talk on the phone because it was attached to the wall?  My daughter wonders aloud if I also had walk miles in the snow to school (uphill both directions).

But one experience I did have in those early days of personal computers was the opportunity to play a little bit with coding.  We had a Texas Instruments computer attached to an old black and white television that served as a monitor.  My dad taught me a few rudimentary elements of BASIC, and I was able to create a “choose your own adventure” story for my little sister.  It was fun – and empowering – to see the computer do what I told it to do.

Since then, there have been a few other times when I worked with computer codes.  In graduate school I had to run statistical analyses on SAS.  Later I helped customize new medical records software for a paperless veterinary practice.  These days I help manage content for a variety of social media pages, but it is rare that I ever have to move beyond the What You See Is What You Get screen and delve into HTML.  Even though I don’t comprehend most coding languages, I can appreciate the patterns and sometimes troubleshoot and fix small things.  I also respect the power of coding, recognizing that the omission of a single character could mess up an entire program!

My kids are growing up in a different world than I did.  They are technologically-savvy and take many of their computer tools for granted.  But… they don’t write code, they poke at icons.  They, like most of us, are computer consumers, not computer programmers.  It was to their generation that President Obama was speaking when he urged “Don’t just play on your phone, program it” last December.

So it was with great interest that I read Tasneem Raja’s cover story in this month’s Mother Jones magazine:  Is Coding the New Literacy?  She begins the piece with an impressive story about how young coders from Code for America solved a problem Boston was having with fire hydrants buried under snow.  However, while there is clearly a need for workers with computer coding skills, the number of students are graduating with degrees in computer science does not meet the need in this high-paying industry.  She goes on to explore a variety of reasons for this, but Raja writes:


What if learning to code weren’t actually the most important thing? It turns out that rather than increasing the number of kids who can crank out thousands of lines of JavaScript, we first need to boost the number who understand what code can do.


And then she ties computer literacy to the concept of computational thinking:


Researchers have been experimenting with new ways of teaching computer science, with intriguing results. For one thing, they’ve seen that leading with computational thinking instead of code itself, and helping students imagine how being computer savvy could help them in any career, boosts the number of girls and kids of color taking—and sticking with—computer science. Upending our notions of what it means to interface with computers could help democratize the biggest engine of wealth since the Industrial Revolution.


Computational thinking — that’s the key.  Examples of computational thinking can be found in everyday and meaningful tasks that we can all relate to, and the article uses cooking a meal as a type of “light CT”.

After reading the article, I thought about my kids and the way they interact with technology.  I have a 12 year old who has long been interested in engineering, electronics and generally How Stuff Works.  His most recent experience with programming has been to program robots to complete missions as part of a FIRST Lego League Robotics team.  This has been a great project-based learning experience for him, but even the FIRST robotics program uses software that teaches programming through a graphic interface rather than basic command line programming.  So last night my son and I explored, which is a site that provides free computer science and coding curriculum for K-12 students, and is listed on the Oregon Coast Regional STEM Hub’s Resources page.  We managed to program our way through a series of mazes during our first Hour of Code.  It was fun, painless and engaging for both of us.  After writing each secret messages to each other in binary code, I showed him the HTML view of a few websites.  The view looks messy, but he could appreciate and decipher some of the commands.  He appears to be eager to continue exploring the world of coding, and I admit I’m now curious to learn more as well.


Science in elementary improves literacy rates

Media release from the Education Commission of the States:

Report:  Want to improve your third-grade literacy rate?  Teach science

DENVER, June 17, 2014 – Recent research suggests early math, science and social studies knowledge may boost achievement for the nation’s youngest students and provides a better chance at future reading success – more so even than early reading skills.


The Progress of Education Reform: Science in the Early Years, published today by the Education Commission of the States, looks at the benefits associated with science education in early learning and includes recommendations for state policymakers. One key finding: Teachers report being uncomfortable teaching science.


The report outlines the case for including strong science curriculum and instructional supports in the early years by outlining the basic skills and knowledge that young children possess, describing ways that science supports learning in other subject areas and presenting evidence that supporting science instruction in the early years leads to future success in the classroom.


“Math, literacy, social studies and art can all be linked to science,” said Bruce Atchison, director of the Early Learning Institute at ECS and a former preschool teacher and administrator. “It is time to make the paradigm shift so that teachers are given the instructional opportunities to be comfortable with teaching science and how children learn science.”


Among the findings:

  • Children entering kindergarten are ready to engage in science exploration, but most early learning programs do not do enough to build on those abilities.
  • Science learning experiences provide rich contexts for language and literacy development.
  • While all children benefit from science lessons, the most at-risk students need science the most.


The report’s author is Kimberly Brenneman, an assistant research professor at the National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University, where she directs the Early Childhood STEM Lab. Among her recommendations are improved teacher preparation and professional development, since she notes teacher preparation programs do not typically emphasize science content.


Recommendations for research, policy and practice:

  • Research-based curriculum and instruction. Policymakers should support rich, connected, evidence-based science learning experiences.
  • Stronger professional preparation. Requirements in teacher preparation programs should be changed to include strong coursework that strengthens knowledge of science content.
  • Better professional development. Engaging teachers with strategies for creating specific science curriculum has the potential to support more effective education in the preschool classroom.


This is the second report ECS has released on research describing the impact math and science instruction can have on young children. The report Math in the Early Years was issued in October.


The Education Commission of the States  was created by states, for states, in 1965. We track policy, translate research, provide unbiased advice and create opportunities for state policymakers to learn from one another.

Cheer on our Oregon MATE ROV teams

Watch it LIVE June 26-28 at

Watch it LIVE June 26-28 at

Tune in to the MATE ROV International Competition at the end of this month and cheer on the three competing teams  representing Oregon:

  • Explorer Class ROV team from Clatsop Community College
  • Explorer Class ROV team from Linn-Benton Community College, and
  • Ranger Class ROV team Typhoon Industries from Azalea, Oregon

This year’s contest focuses on shipwrecks, science and conservation in our National Marine Sanctuaries.  Students will pilot their ROVs to explore and document an unknown shipwreck, collect scientific samples, inventory invasive species, and remove trash and debris, among other tasks – all staged in the 80-foot diameter, 600,000 gallon tank at the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary facility in Alpena, Michigan.

Watch the competition LIVE on June 26-28 at  Go get ’em, Oregon teams!