
STEM logoThe Oregon Coast STEM Hub serves coastal teachers, students and communities, and involves more than 60 organizations. Centered at OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, the Hub includes coastal school districts and partners throughout the coast, from Astoria to Brookings.

Visit our webpage:  http://oregoncoaststem.oregonstate.edu/

Driving Need: Employment opportunities along the Oregon Coast have been growing in research, marine technology, sustainability of natural resources, and eco-tourism but students are not being adequately prepared for jobs in these fields.  There are few STEM internship programs, and limited professional development and student opportunities related to STEM.  Opportunities that do exist are often underutilized.  Student populations along the Oregon Coast tend to be economically disadvantaged, with growing populations of homeless and ELL students reported in many districts.

Vision: Fostering a culture of STEM innovation by engaging people of all ages to create a vibrant and prosperous region.

Mission: The Oregon Coast STEM Hub engages learners with STEM by leveraging local and regional resources and collaborating with diverse partners.

Primary Strategies:

  • Support, expand and replicate successful STEM professional development for teachers along the Oregon Coast that focus on STEM integration and Project-Based Learning.
  • Increase researcher and industry mentor involvement in workshops, career days, classroom activities, and student design challenges.
  • Create and sustain an engaged network of coastal community partners who support STEM education in our region.

Oregon Coast STEM Hub Backbone and Contacts:


Lisa Blank, Oregon Coast STEM Hub

Student Experiences Coordinator
Tracy Crews, OSU/Oregon Sea Grant

Communications Coordinator
Cait Goodwin, OSU/Oregon Sea Grant

Leadership Council

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