Sharing Salmon Stories Abroad

Sometimes STEM careers lead to amazing travel opportunities and collaborations. Find out where an Oregon salmon hatchery technician and educator is going this spring:

Guest Contributor: Joseph O’Neil

Joseph O'Neil leading an education program at Oregon Hatchery Research Center

Joseph O’Neil leading an education program at Oregon Hatchery Research Center

I never thought I would travel to the Russian Far East, and yet I now find myself a willing traveler to the Primorsky Aquarium and Research Center to discuss how we on the Oregon Coast educate our youth about the challenges of environmental issues pertaining to salmon. It is a once in a lifetime chance and I am anxious to share the wonderful work that is being done here to engage youth in shaping their future. The Primorsky Aquarium is located in the south eastern corner of Russia at about the same latitude as the coast of Oregon. The eastern coastal area of Russia has some of the most pristine salmon habitat left in the world, and the Aquarium is interested in establishing educational programs to address issues pertaining to salmon and their habitat. Look for more to come following my visit in late March.


Joseph O’Neil is the Senior Technician and Outreach Coordinator for the Oregon Hatchery Research Center (OHRC) in Alsea, Oregon. OHRC is a cooperative research project between the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, and is a partner in the Oregon Coast STEM Hub.

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