Another Grant: K-6 NGSS Instructional Specialists

Another grant from ODE will help support teachers in the Oregon Coast STEM Hub!  From Portland State University and the Portland Metro STEM Partnership:

Portland State University has received a 3-year $1 million grant from the Oregon Department of Education to deliver an innovative elementary teacher professional development in science.  The award entitle “Expansion of K-6 NGSS Instructional Specialists Program” was made from Oregon’s federally funded Title IIB Math Science Partnership Program.  The project will operate out of the Portland Metro STEM Partnership (PMSP), one of Oregon’s six regional science, technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) hubs.  Seventy elementary teachers will be trained to serve as instructional specialists during the implementation of Oregon’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  It will also provide science content instruction to over 300 elementary teachers statewide.


…The PMSP will engage Dr. Okhee Lee from New York University (the NGSS Equity and Diversity Team Leader), science faculty from PSU, and K-12 partners from Hillsboro, Portland, Beaverton, Forest Grove, east Multnomah County, the Oregon Coast STEM Hub and the South Metro-Salem STEM Partnership.

Read the entire press release

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Apply by January 30



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