Open-mindedness, working well on my own, accepting responsibility for meeting deadlines, being an adept reader, and possessing good writing skills are several personal strengths I bring to the online learning process. Procrastination and time-management stand out for me as areas I need to improve. Through this course I discovered new resources and strategies which will support my growth in these areas… term-at-a-glance planning and daily schedules which reflect my priorities will help me be more successful in future terms. I also appreciated the information we discovered about the library and making contact with advisors and instructors.

As a visual learner, I am going to attempt to hone my reading and annotation skills. I think becoming a more efficient reader will make my study time more beneficial. I will also incorporate some of the note taking systems we explored, particularly the Cornell Note Taking system and annotating texts.

I plan to take advantage of the Success Counselors available to Ecampus Students to continue and develop new strategies and fine-tune existing strategies for time management. I am particularly interested in this resource as I continue to juggle numerous personal and academic responsibilities. I am also excited to explore the possibility of working with Ecampus to develop a resource that would be available to all Ecampus students, facilitating their involvement with different campus activities, departments, or clubs. This project has sparked a bit of excitement for me that I haven’t felt in a term or two and it’s a great fit with my professional goals.

At this point, I’m trying to determine if I will enroll in Summer Term or Fall Term as my next term. I have about ten courses left to finish my degree, which should be easily attainable were I to take a course or two during Summer Term. However, I’ve been dedicating much time to a family issue this term, and I’m uncertain how life will look as Summer Term begins. My highest goal for my next enrolled term is to successfully complete each course I begin. I know I need to have a plan in place to reach that goal. Long-term goals include completing my degree, finding a job I love, and flourishing as a mother, employee, friend, and partner. I appreciated the SMART Goal Setting tools we explored this summer. Developing a Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely goal is a fantastic skill to add to one’s toolbox. My personal challenge is trying to decide which goal to focus on now and which to delay. I believe the Success Counselors may be able to offer me some insight that will make this process feel more manageable. For now, I know that the more specific, realistic, and attainable a goal is, the more likely I will be to reach it.

Thank you, Brandi, for a fun term of great information and support.

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