As the term comes to a close, I’ve reflected on how some of the weeks were relatively easier while others were a bit more stressful and I also learned a lot about my learning strengths and weaknesses. I believe the strengths that I naturally possessed regarding organization, as well as determination to stick to a plan or schedule helped me to stay on top of all 5 of my classes. There were a couple of slips however, and I notice that my weakness in my academics is outside stress. I noticed that a couple of times where I procrastinated and didn’t stick to the routine that I planned for myself for taking care of my coursework were when I had been really stressed out over things that were going on outside of school. This is something that I want to improve, because stressful events in life will always happen and I cannot let that affect my academics or one day I will fall too far behind.

I actually enjoyed taking this course much more than I initially thought I would have. It put things in perspective to take the time to evaluate myself and my learning skills and weaknesses. I will definitely have a new and improved outlook on how I approach my academics from here on. I will continue to use the organizational tools such as the planned weekly schedule that I have been using as well as trying out a couple of new ones (Term At A Glance Calendar) in the next term. I haven’t figured out how I am going to keep outside stress from affecting my academic performance quite yet, but since I won’t be continuing until Fall term, I will take advantage of the summer break to practice habits in dealing with that. I will definitely be utilizing the OSU Library more and will most likely use NetTutor starting Fall term as I should be taking a Math class then as well as Chemistry soon afterward. I know these are my weakest subjects, so I will turn to those resources to guide me in improving my skills in those areas.

My goals for the next term as well as those following will remain as achieving the best grades as possible in all of my classes. I don’t want to graduate by slacking and barely passing the courses that I’m not as knowledgeable in just to get by. I want to get the most out of all the courses that I take and to do so will require a lot of dedication to my planned routines, as well as practicing good time management habits. I know that there will probably be some cases where I do not perform as well as I had hoped, but it will be alright as long as I know that I tried. I will just continue to make improvements because the moment that I start to really procrastinate and lose priority in my academic performance will be the moment that the achievement of my goals will begin to be at risk which is not something that I’d like to look back on and regret. Overall, I’m confident that the next 4 years of my degree program will be full of great learning experiences that I can proud of!


4 thoughts on “Final Blog #2

  1. I too felt that the Term at a Glance was a very handy organizational tool. Best of luck to you, maybe we will be in the same chemistry class!

    • The Term at a Glance was handy as I never thought to look that far ahead with all of my classes. Thank you, I’ll need that luck with these subjects and perhaps we will be! Have a great summer!

  2. I too learned a lot about myself this term because of this class! Outside work/family/life stress is so hard to not have it affect you. I struggled with that a lot this term as well. I also want to graduate knowing I worked hard for every single A/B and hopefully no C’s. Hope you have a great summer!
    Good luck to you

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