This is my first term here at OSU so it has been a roller coaster for me in many different ways. This is also my first term in college where I am taking all online classes. From transitioning from a in class student to an online learner has been pretty challenging for me. I can honestly say that I kind of had the mentality that doing online classes would be easier for me. There are many pros to doing online classes, but it is still very time consuming and difficult to do. A struggle that I had for most of the semester was managing my time and knowing when I can do assignments and when not too. I have struggled and still struggle with having the tendency to procrastinate and the farther the semester went the more I realize how destructive it can be to my grades. I think that this transition for me from in class student to online learner has been good for me too. By becoming a online learner and taking this class I have realized that I have strengths as a student.

This class has made me realize and identify the strengths that I have as a student and strengths I have as a online learner. One thing that this class has made me remember about myself is that I am a very driven and hard working person. I was raised that way and I try and apply this to be a college student as well. Some of the work in the classes I have this semester has been very hard and frustrating for me. If it wasn’t for the hard work that I put into my work I could honestly say that I would be failing right now. Something else that I realized this term is that I am not afraid to speak up and ask for help when I need it. Taking college course in Ohio from Oregon is a bit distant and requires me to contact different people in order to get help. I am glad that this class has made me realize that this is a good thing to do. Just this week I had a problem with a professor and I emailed him and contacted my adviser so I could get other opinions form people. Overall I’m glad this class has made me realize and identify the strengths we have as students. I hope everyone got something out of this class the way that I did.

-Joey Cramer

5 thoughts on “My Journey this semester

  1. Hi, Joey!
    Many people believe that online classes are easier because you have access to the web to look things up and the schedule is more flexible. What they don’t realize is that there is the same amount of work as in a traditional classroom, but in an online environment, you are solely responsible for managing your schedule. You might have outside distractions, and there is no instructor immediately available to clarify anything you might not understand. It’s also a lot easier to procrastinate and you can easily fall behind. I also had difficulty with an instructor this term. I emailed him several times and he never replied. Just rest assured that most will reply in a timely manner, and most are willing to help you in any way they can. Also, as an OSU student, it doesn’t matter if you’re in Ohio. You still have access to the same OSU resources as any other student. If you can’t contact help online, give them a call. Good Luck!

  2. I had a bit of a rollercoaster for different reasons this term. I think using the tools better really helped me. The one thing online and in person courses have in common – it you have to put in the time! Sometimes I really want to do other things! I managed better this term myself. Good Luck to you!

  3. Joey,

    You absolutely have so many strengths that you bring “to the table” as an online learner! Thanks so much for being willing to share them with us in this class!


  4. You know I still have this argument with my little sister daily! She’s back in New York going to school. She just finished her first year at community college and I am so proud of her, like a big sister should be. But on the other hand she is always dissing on me saying that online classes are so much easier. And I seriously disagree. In some ways online learning is harder. I can’t just walk up to you or Professor Hoel and ask for help because were miles apart. I don’t see you on a weekly basis to get to know you better so contacting someone for help while being enrolled in online classes is very hard and I just can’t get that through her head.

  5. Joey:
    From everything that you’ve shared over the term, I think you’re going to do great at school. It’s gonna be hard and there will be times when you’ll want to do anything else but schoolwork, but you seem to be focused on getting through school and will pull through. Good luck!

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