This my very fist Blog! I never really have that much to say and rather being doing things outside, so why be looking at a computer screen? But this is a necessary evil. First I have to say to my classmates is that I really love this online school work. Here we are trying to make school as easy on us as possible and learn how to make classes as well as online classes more meaningful and work for us. I really like the points that the young kids had on our video of their goals in school. Mine was much more narrow then what they had, but as I thought about thinks I was like them. I want to be successful and have a degree and my choices in careers has change a few times in the time that I have been here. This is the course that I am needing right now, since I have been in school I have not known myself as being a slacker or a procrastinator, but for some reason these semester I am doing just that, slacking. So, it is time get on the thinking cap and see what it is that is making me have this lull. I hope that you do not have this, but I think we all get in some of our moods. Hopefully this class will get my goals back on track.

6 thoughts on “Online Learning Sucess

  1. I think this class will get you back on track….. Keep looking at your learning preferences: it may be that your learning preferences are keeping you in that lull.
    And, it’s crazy that I have found that not having definitive values are keeping me from setting good goals… It may be that your values are not so clear at this time in your life….. Just a thought.
    This class does offer so much to get a person’s feet on the ground….and running.
    I am so grateful that my advisor suggested it! It’s great!

  2. I like where Judy is going in considering values or what drives you at the heart of your decision to be back in school. Sometimes it is difficult to loose sight of the long-term, “when-I’m-done-with-all-of-this” goal and that’s when motivation has to be revisited. I don’t know… you say this lull isn’t really typical of you, so I’m not sure if this is a helpful question, but I’ll ask anyway: when you’ve found yourself in a lull before, what do you remember about how you got yourself out? It’s in you… what works?

    If values seem interesting to explore, I love to have conversations with students in a career decision making class around this list of questions: You may already know what helps you honor your values most …is it spending time outside and NOT on a computer? 🙂 How can you make sure your values are being addressed when you feel you have to spend time doing something else… even if as a means to an end? No right or wrong questions here. Just things to think about.

  3. It is interesting that something as convenient as online learning can be so difficult, regardless of the content. Managing time, sticking to a schedule, and avoiding procrastination. In addition to all of that, spring term is always the most difficult, for me anyway. Good luck to you.

  4. I think you are headed in the right direction for sure. Unfortunately I wish I were able to sit down and knock out all my online class assignments in one or two days but I like to let the information settle a little bit before I jump in and respond to the class discussion. Best of luck!

  5. Motivation can be tough to come by at times. Sometimes it’s just easier saying, “yeah, I’ll get to it later.” That’s something I struggle with as well. The best advice I can give is coming up with a realistic plan, and just really sticking to it. For me, it was blocking out “school time” every day, regardless of what else is going on.

  6. Hello, I really think that these online classes are great too. What is your major here at OSU? I also really like to be outdoors. I have a min farm here where I live and personally I would much rather work on things outside than be stuck somewhere eon the computer. The way I look at it, is that these online classes are very important for us to graduate. I think this class is also really good for students because it makes us evaluate ourselves more and learn our strengths and weaknesses. I have struggled with procrastination in school all my life and seeing how you mostly have not had a problem with it is a challenge for me to try and minimize it. I hope the rest of the semester goes well for you and you really learn a lot from your classes online.
    -Joey Cramer

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