I have learned a lot of new things from this class alone, not to mention my other 2 that I am enrolled in. I always felt that I had the strength of knowledge of general computer use and being able to navigate my way around the internet. I knew that my own learning style was that of being more of a hands-on kind of learner, so I knew that online learning would pose a potential challenge to that. But after the first 2 weeks I have really found out that it is an entirely different world than that of a regular classroom! I have found out how much of a kinesthetic learner I am and how weak it seems that I am at simply visual learning. I have developed ideas of how to increase my visual learning in that I am not just reading over and listening to lectures in my classes, but some I will be printing off the lectures so that I can listen to them and take my own version of notes along the sides of the pages. Also I have been reading the notes out loud and sometimes have found that playing music softly in the background helps my concentration out. Does this help anyone else? Are there any other tools anyone has found that would help me or others with these potential learning issues? I have a few years ahead of me to earn my Fishery and Wildlife Sciences degree, so keeping an open mind to new ways of online learning is one thing I am striving for!

10 thoughts on “Online learning is such a different world!

  1. I can relate to you in every way, even having to have music in the background. I often felt that I was doing twice the amount of work having to print out stuff and take my own notes or even having to say information out loud. All of my academic years I have listened to music while reading or studying which has helped me retain information. People have thought of me as being odd because for them it seems unproductive and even distracting. What has worked for me, maybe this would help you as well, but having someone read practice questions out loud with multiple choice answers helps me retain information quicker than reading them over alone.

    • I never really thought of that idea. It seems like it could possibly help out a lot actually! Or something I thought of with that is to study for midterms and finals by printing or writing out the quizzes and doing an oral exam kind of studying that you mentioned with those. What do you think?

  2. Hello!

    Yes, music helps me a lot when I am feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork. I usually like to put on jazz or ambient. Other times, I can just have the tv on if what ever is on is boring enough. I think taking your own version of notes is a great way to help you learn! So you are on the right track there. I also love taking notes, and breaking down important information so there is less “clutter”. Separating different main ideas with different color highlighters or pen ink helps me a lot as well. We’re in the same degree program too, I see. Good luck in your studies!

    • The different color highlighter and pen is an excellent idea! We just happen to have almost every color known to man, haha! And I’ve tried the TV, for some reason I get distracted with TV but not with music. Perhaps if I had something I had watched a million times on like with music to where my brain doesn’t feel the need to sidetrack itself. Hmm.

  3. I like listening to music when I read and do work, too. It just can’t be anything too upbeat, or else I’ll start singing and dancing around 😉
    As far as our learning styles go, though, we seem pretty similar. I’m going to have to try out some of your tactics and see if they’ll work for me, too.

    • Yes I find if its anything pop or hip hop that has a really upbeat tempo I sometimes lose myself in the song but I put my Pandora on shuffle and try to stick to things that are mellow and play quietly. Thankfully most songs are around 3-5 minutes so if I do get lost in the song its not for long! But I wish you the best of luck!

  4. I have also struggled a bit this term adapting to an online environment. It has been invaluable assessing my strengths and being able to figure out (thankfully, early on) what worked previously might not work anymore. Kudos to you for also figuring that out and adapting your strengths to fit into this environment.

    • Ya I think the hardest thing is being able to get through all of the classes during the week in just a week! It is nice that I can log on and do homework and such at any time, but my weeks are so unpredictable sometimes that I find myself running out of time. I think overall as I continue, time management is going to be the biggest obstacle to overcome!

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