Well, Carrie, first time online learner and first time blogger. Honestly never read a blog or even seen one before this. So this blogging thing is going to be something else. I absolutely love to listen to music, so I am now glad to know that this is actually a learning preference! Listening to my I-Pod now.  It calms me and helps with writing my many different assignments and discussions. I also love to read and write, so this explains why I’ve excelled in things of this nature. I live in a very hot and dry area so doing my school work outside is a little undo-able considering I’m 7 months pregnant. This is very upsetting to me because that outside air is just so amazing to work in. I wish I had a lake or river near by I could take my laptop to and just type away. The closest I get to nature is having one or all of my 5 pets laying next to me (which can be very distracting because they’re just so darn cute!).

I was extremely surprised how fast the past few weeks have gone by. When you have so much on your mind sometimes you forget what needs to come first. So I really need to sit down and make a schedule for everything in my life so I don’t procrastinate in any aspects of life. Full- time work, starting a family, and now throwing school into the mix is a lot more then I thought I could handle. But so far I am managing to make it through half alive. One of my biggest challenges is going to be having a newborn here shortly and not having the amount of sleep I am going to need to get through a day of work and school. My mother actually says I am insane for starting school now. I just tell her, “If your daughter can join the Marine Corps, she can do this.”, so we’ll see about that. Honestly when I first thought about taking online classes I thought to myself oh, this will be easy and my little sister (who is going to community college the old fashion way) still tells me the same thing. I try so hard to explain to her that is really isn’t that easy. You really have to apply yourself if you want to succeed. You have to study just as hard as you would if you were sitting in a classroom. Reading the readings isn’t enough. You have to read and continue to go back to those readings to fully grasp things. Another huge struggle is going to be stay focused on what I am doing in class. As of right now I’m joyfully singing Hopelessly Devoted to You (one of my favorite songs). So I guess you can say I’m easily distracted. So when my daughter comes along, its going to be really hard taring myself away from her.

In the end, I know I will have every day struggles, as well as those huge struggles that can stop everything else in your life until you figure it out. But I say BRING THEM ON!!! I am extremely excited to walk onto that stage and receive my degree in a few years. I want my husband, daughter and my whole family to be proud of what I accomplished. And this is where it starts!



10 thoughts on “Online Learning First Timer!

  1. Hello!

    I’m not really a blogger either, especially when it come to things that relate to myself. I’m terrible at self-evaluating but I think this class is slowly helping me get better and more comfortable with it. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m 5 months along with my 4th child, and have never taken college during a pregnancy before. I’m so nervous about when it comes time for delivery, I hope I don’t fall too behind on my classes! I can just imagine myself now, trying to get my schoolwork done in bed at the hospital. It’s kind of amusing, actually. I think if we are determined enough, we’ll be alright with our newborns and schoolwork. Good luck and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes by smoothly!

    • I was just joking with someone today who told me a story that she had her daughter on a Saturday and then had an exam that Tuesday. She said she dropped her daughter off with her mother and then went and took her exam. So hopefully that will not happen to either of us!

  2. Hello! I’ve never blogged before in my life! I wanted to tell you that one of the best investments you can make is a baby sling. It’s a carrier that uses the baby’s own weight to keep it inside and it makes you completely hands free. Some of the carriers out there leave your newborn’s head just flopping around, but the sling supports the head and body in such a way that the baby feels like it’s cradled in your arms. And as she grows, she can be positioned in it in different ways for your comfort and hers. I know it helped me a lot when I had two babies in diapers that were both attached to me like velcro. Not to sound like an advertisement, but I loved mine and I think it would enable you to do your studies while giving her the comfort of mom at the same time.

    • Actually a friend of mine already handed hers down to me! So it’s good to know that they actually work. Thanks for the advice. I’m super excited to just hold my daughter!

  3. Wow! You do have a full life! Good for you with the positive attitude! That is so great to hear!!!!!
    Thank you for sharing…..and, remember, that we are all here with you and for you!!!
    Just as I know you are for me and for us!
    (P.S. this is my first time blogging and I still don’t know what those HTML tags and attributes are for or what they do……hmmmmm)

  4. Carrie:

    Good job on the blog! As a very hands-on dad, I know it’s gonna get tough soon. But as dillonju said above, we’re here for you if you need it! Knowing there’s support out there can be a huge psychological boon. I hope we can be that for you.

    Nothing wrong with a little Grease!!! I find it’s usually these little distractions that keep me going.

    • My mother still thinks I’m crazy trying to go back to school now. But I tell her its either now or never. But I’m really glad to know that I have other students that support me!

      Have you ever seen Grease on Broadway? Most amazing show! Take the kids sometime if you a chance!

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