The Manning Becker Professional Development Fund is available to Oregon Agriculture Extension Association (OAEA) members who will be attending events or pursuing independent study to enhance their capabilities in Extension agricultural or natural resource education. Distributions will be determined by the OAEA Manning H. Becker Professional Development Fund Committee.

Manning H. Becker

The fund was established in memory of Manning H. Becker, who taught agricultural economics at OSU for 34 years, retiring in 1983 as a full professor.  He graduated from Gresham Union High School, where he served as student body president, and received his bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Oregon State University.  He also served in the Army, including service in Korea.

Becker was an internationally recognized expert in agricultural economics and is credited with being one of the first people in the nation to teach principles of economics in farm management education programs. He also was the first farm management specialist hired by the OSU Extension Service and for decades conducted classes and workshops throughout the Western states for farmers, ranchers, bankers and county extension agents. In addition to numerous other publications, he was the co-author of a best-selling textbook, “Farm Business Management,” which is printed in six languages.

He won numerous state and national awards for teaching and professional service including the Distinguished Extension Program Award and Professional Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award from the American Agricultural Economics Association. He also received two national awards from the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers for distinguished service and outstanding service. The OSU School of Agriculture honored him for excellence in teaching in 1979 and as the Burlingham Distinguished Professor of the Year in 1981.

He was a member of the OSU Beaver Club and a strong supporter of OSU athletic programs, particularly football and basketball.  In 61 years, he didn’t miss a football game, except for 1945 when he was in Korea. He received the second award ever given by OSU for “Most Avid Faculty Sports Booster.”

Support the Fund

Donations to the Manning H. Becker Professional Endowment Fund, payable to E.R. Jackman Foundation/Becker, OSU Foundation, 850 S.W. 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97331.

You can sign up for automatic payroll deductions to simplify the donation process.
Under Gift information where they ask “I would like my tax-deductible gift to support the following program(s): (Please be specific)”, please put “Manning Becker Fund 6220-175110“.

How to Apply

Dates and Deadlines

  • Application Deadline – May 15, 2015
  • Notification of funding decision – June 1, 2015


Those requesting support should prepare a 1-2 page proposal with a complete budget considering the following criteria:

  • Individuals or a group of individuals requesting support must be members in good standing of OAEA.
  • Individuals within a group proposal must meet the same criteria as individuals.
  • Preference will be given to proposals that incorporate more than one source of funding.  This might include resources from the Extension budget, other organizational support, or dollars from the individual’s private resources.  It is not the intent of the donor(s) or the committee to provide complete support for the individual seeking support.
  • Selection preference may be given to individuals early in their development and involvement in Extension as a profession.


Please email applications to Gretchen Cuevas.


The purpose of this funding is to provide some support for professional development needs of OSU Extension Educators. This may include, but not be limited to, pursuit of independent study, or attendance at professional meetings, organizations and seminars.

Professional development efforts supported by these funds will be expected to result in enhanced capability of the recipient to conduct extension education programs.

Support may include, but need not be limited to such items as: transportation, meals, and lodging associated with travel, registration or tuition fees.

Past Awards

Awards last year were $250 – $300.


To get additional information, please contact Gretchen Cuevas or Sam Angima.