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Finding a Job

Posted September 18th, 2014 by mayersl

Looking for a job on campus? Luckily, employers across campus are flexible when it comes to working with students, they understand class schedules, demands of coursework, and clubs and organizations. Career Services at Oregon State offers numerous ways to find a job on-campus, as well as off-campus (depending on what you are looking for).

  • On-campus job listings are available at Student Jobs @OSU.Be prepared to enter your ONID username and password in order to log-in. As part of this program you can create an online profile that can be viewed by potential employers. To get the most out of this service consult Career Services which is located in the basement of Kerr Administration Building.
  • If you have been awarded Federal Work Study as part of your financial aid package, you are eligible for work study student jobs (as well as regular, non-work study student jobs). You can find a listing of these jobs by clicking on the OSU Federal Work Study On-Campus Jobs link on the right-hand side of the Student Jobs @OSU site.
  • Off-campus job listings are available at Beaver Careers.You can create an employment profile using this site which allows potential employers to search for good fits for their available jobs.

Additional suggestions for your job search include:

  • Make sure you are on your academic college and/or major’s listserves. If you aren’t receiving listserve emails, talk with your academic advisor about whether they are available.
  • Ask your friends where they work and that you are interested in a job on campus. Oftentimes people hire by referrals from current employees.
  • Continue to recheck the following websites because job opportunities are constantly being updated for different terms.

Be sure to check out Career Services website for more help on finding a job, internship, or career fair information at

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One Response to “Finding a Job”

  1. takchita pas cher Says:

    Thank you, very informative tips, but unfortunately it is very hard to find a job these days.