Ag Exec 101

What is “Ag Exec?”

Ag Exec is the shorthand for Agricultural Executive Council. The Agricultural Executive Council serves as the governing body for the students and clubs within the College of Agricultural Sciences.

What does the council do exactly?

The council is comprised of 20+ agricultural clubs and organizations at Oregon State University. Throughout the year, the council hosts a number of professional and personal development events to help prepare students for leadership, internship, and career opportunities. As a council, we hold true to the agriculture way of life with values of integrity, responsibility, dedication and passion. The Agricultural Executive Council brings a unity to one of the most diverse colleges at Oregon State; priding itself on preparing and introducing top students to the many opportunities within agriculture, forestry and natural resources!

Are there officers? Who are they?

Yes. We have seven officers:

  1. President: Trinity Shodin
  2. Vice President: Ben Rietmann
  3. Director of Correspondence: Monica Debord
  4. Director of Finance: August Peterson
  5. Director of Public Relations: Kayla Rushing
  6. Director of Ag Days: Scott Jacobson
  7. Director of New Fields: Meg Marchand

We also have two advisors:

  1. Dr. Katie Gaebel
  2. Ms. Raisa Blazquez

Elections are held every Spring term.

How to get involved:

If you have any interest in joining any one of the clubs on the council feel free to contact the Agricultural Executive Council officer team at indicating which club you’re interested in and we will happily provide you with that contact information to get you involved!

Stay up-to-date on the happenings of the college and follow us on:

Facebook: OSU Agricultural Executive Council

Twitter: @OSUAgExec


Or simply stop by one of our monthly evening meetings on campus! (Email us to find out more!)