Writing Exercise #13 – W. P. Hanage

Can experiments detect differences that matter?

While the experiments performed and technologies used may aid in beginning to categorize microbes via their genes, there are limitations. We are not yet able to minutely distinguish between outcomes being related to one gene or another unless both genes are sufficiently categorized – a task which is hard to complete. Another limitation is being unable to determine key differences between closely related genes.

Does the study show causation or correlation?

This is important to consider. When determining whether something is causal, as in X causes Y, one must also ponder the possibility of confounding variables or co-variables. It is also important to recognize the possibility of Y causing X, in the event that a causal relationship proves to be possible. It is easy to mistake correlation for causation, which can be a source for controversy. Because other contributing factors are often overlooked, there can easily spark a debate over whether a variable is responsible for eliciting an observed consequence. There can be many players that cause an observed outcome, and all options must be meticulously weighed before any assumptions are made.

What is the mechanism?

While we may be able to identify a seemingly causal relationship, it is equally, if not more important to understand the microbiology behind the relationship. This is sometimes easier said than done since some microbes are presently unculturable. However, scientific methods are becoming increasingly revealing.

How much do experiments reflect reality?

Experiments involving a created microbiome are often harder to apply to real life scenarios. The study subjects used are often sterile mice that are inoculated with another specimen’s preexisting microbiota. The results may be difficult to apply to humans who are not sterile. The microbiome is also often manipulated during experiment in ways that are not normal or feasible in real life. There are also other contributing factors that influence the impact of one’s microbiome.

Could anything else explain the results?

While it may be exciting to unveil the relationship between our microbiomes and our bodily functions, we cannot overlook the fact that our bodies function as a culmination of our surroundings, both internally and externally. We cannot get swept away with microbes as the soul source of our being. It is important to consider other factors such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices that may also be impacting our health.

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