Prism Magazine
October 6, 2009
The Prism Magazine will be moving its website to Drupal 6. The format change should improve user experience.
October 6, 2009
The Prism Magazine will be moving its website to Drupal 6. The format change should improve user experience.
October 6, 2009
To help focus efforts on making sure the most used pages are the most up-to-date Google Analytics have been added to the websites that are being created.
It is a simple process that will allow site administrators to be more affective at focusing on what content users focus on.
October 6, 2009
ISOSU is next on the list of websites to be updated.
The ISOSU people are working to get the content up to date.
Once that is done the theme and menus will change, and then they can go live. With this ‘new’ site the menu system should be more usable and relevant to what the user is doing.