Apothecia still sporulating!

Primary inoculum production is still in full swing at the Botany and Plant Pathology Field Lab in Corvallis, Oregon. However, no apothecia have been found further southeast around the Eugene/Springfield/McKenzie River area.

This is a prime time to mulch your fields if you haven’t done so already! As data comes in at the BPP Field Lab, it’s looking like mulching is EXTREMELY beneficial for prohibiting apothecia from reaching the soil surface and disseminating ascospores. Below are some images from the mulching field study!

Unmulched Mummies

Pots containing sclerotia that were not mulched. Notice high numbers of apothecia.

Far fewer apothecia coming up through sawdust layer. Statistical analyses will be conducted and made available to the public.

Far fewer apothecia coming up through sawdust layer. Statistical analyses will be conducted and made available to the public.

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