Podcast and Mummy Berry Resistant Cultivars!

Hello All!

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I was recently interviewed on The Ruminant podcast where I talked about home gardening, plant pathology, and Mummy Berry. The podcast can be found at The Ruminant webpage.


In addition, I’m organizing and speaking at a Blueberry Workshop this month. While I was putting together my presentation, I realized that farmers might want additional resources about blueberry cultivars and resistance to Mummy Berry fruit infection. Therefore, I’m posting a few great sources for you to check out!

Highbush Blueberries in Nova Scotia

This link has information about common highbush blueberry varieties grown in Nova Scotia, although many of them are commonly grown in the U.S. also. Information about Mummy Berry resistance is also available.

Ranking Cultivated Blueberry for Mummy Berry Blight and Fruit Infection

Although, this is a scientific publication and may not be readily accessible without access to a university library. This 2010 publication covers an assessment of popular blueberry varieties and their relative resistance and susceptibility to Mummy Berry.

We’ve had snow here in Oregon for the past few days, but I’m excited to get back out into the field and see how the disease cycle is progressing. More updates will follow soon!




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