What’s small blue, delicious and nutritious?

They’re small, blue, and the perfect addition to any smoothie – BLUEBERRIES!  While it’s not quite that time of year to go out and pick these little power-packing fruits, it’s always a good time to add them to any meal or snack. Aside from being tasty…they’re also healthy for you! That blue hue is more than just window dressing on a blueberry – it is also the source of powerful antioxidants known as anthocyanins.

Here are 3 reasons to include these little nutrient-dense powerhouses in your diet:

  1. Brain power! – Recent research shows that the antioxidants found in blueberries helps lower that risk of oxidative stress, maintaining healthy cognitive functions, like memory and motor skills.
  2. Heart Health – You’re never too young to think about the ticker that keeps you going. The powerful antioxidants in blueberries help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation that can contribute to cardiovascular disease.
  3. Great taste at low calorie cost!  For a mere 40 Calories, you get a half-cup of delicious-ness packed with fiber and vitamin C.

So, eat them by the handful, put them in cereal or yogurt, top your ice cream with them, mix them into healthy whole wheat waffles, or blend them up into your smoothies. You can do just about anything you want with blueberries; so how are you going to eat your blueberries today?

Written by: Kari Pilolla

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