With the end of the term comes a very big goodbye for JavaStop! Our Megan is graduating and starting a new exciting chapter of her life!  We wanted to put together a little send off with some messages and photos from her fellow staff/family!

“With Megan, I can’t possibly think of only one special moment. Having known her for nearly 3 years now, I have spent countless hours in women’s studies classes with her, lazy afternoons with her kittens, and even played the worlds LONGEST game of pool, roughly 2 hours. Let the record show, that I won that game.

Megan was also one of the first people I met at Java Stop. She even interviewed me!

So I have to say, thanks Megan, with out you, I wouldn’t have this job.

When I say that Megan is one of the kindest, most hilarious people I have ever met, I truly mean it. She has this amazing ability to make people instantly comfortable, whether she’s known you for years, or just met you. That is one thing that I can never express enough gratitude for, because it made me feel so welcome when I started working at Java Stop.

I had no idea when I was hired that I would gain, not only a great co-worker, but an incredible friend. Which makes saying goodbye that much more difficult.

Mega-Lou, I’ll miss you more than I can verbalize. I love you, and I’ll see you soon- you can count on that!”

– Mallory

“Megan, It is hard to see you go! You have been with all of us since we started! You always bring a smile to everyone’s face. I will miss your hard work and I will try my hardest to be your “mini-me” :)”

– Kelsey

A night out with some of the Java Crew.

“Megan is one of the foundational reasons I felt so welcomed at home at JavaStop. She went out of her way to ask if I had any questions or concerns, and always had a smile and something nice to say when I was feeling not up to par or insecure. Megan is the face of JavaStop. It seems that whenever she is working she knows everyone in the line. So many people will feel her absence, and although we have to let our little “Mega-Lou” spread her wings, she knows she’ll be missed.”

– Erin

One of my first shifts, being celebrated 🙂

The last is a poster some of the Java girls wrote on after a mini-farewell party. 

Mornings at JavaStop will not be as bright without your smilling face! Thank you Magan for all the great times! We look forward to being a part of the next chapter of your life, some back and see us!



MU Retail Food Service Family

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