Exhibit F

Exhibit F

Memorial Union FY18

Prepared By: Deb Mott, Sid Cooper and Robyn Jones Co-Interim Directors

  1. Budget Summary Narrative

The Memorial Union (MU) Organization was re-structured following FY’17 budget process.  The MU, Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) and Orange Media Network (OMN) all became independent departments.  The approved fee for FY ’17 was $86.53 prior to the restructure.  Post restructure, this fee was split with the MU portion being $50.96 for FY’17. The AABC research all revenue and expenses including salaries/wages, OPE, program expenses and assessments.

A letter of intent to SIFC will describe a two-year plan for restructuring of the MU budget.  Please see the attached letter of intent for detailed information.

In Section III. Overall Budget Matrix the fees with an asterisk are the fees approved before the department restructure.  The actual fee is post department restructure.  The AABC was tremendously helpful in researching all revenue and expenses to adjust fees proportionally between the three newly independent departments.

The Memorial Union’s base budget reflects no increase in fees from FY ‘17.  The Decision Package #1 MU/SEC Reserve to 50% was lowered to $100,000 instead of $420,231 due the 5-year plan of $100,000 per year.  The SEC is a new building and large funds will not be needed until the building begins to age hence the 5-year plan.

Due to the split of the MU, SLI and OMN units the MU use of indexes have changed significantly.  Every index of the MU has been examined. All revenue has been aligned with the corresponding expenses for each index thereby allowing transparency.  A map of index usage has been created and shared with all budget authorities.  Please refer to the attached index map.

As part of the MU restructure the Marketing unit now reports through Student Affairs Marketing and the Craft Center reports through SLI.  The MU will provide a letter of intent for a 2-year budget restructure to reflect services provided and services received to and from other departments.  This restructure is an attempt to provide transparency for all department with shared efficiencies. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be created between all departments providing and/or receiving services.  The MOU is a tool for a formal relationship describing the services and expectations for each department.

Decision Package #3 is the request for a certified plumber.  Attached is the position description.  This request is due to the MU Building Services (MUBS) unit providing services to 17 areas/buildings plus the MU.  MUBS provide all maintenance and custodial to these areas and the need for a plumber is great.  More will be covered in the presentation. 

Variance Adjustments 

Variance adjustments which have been compiled into the variance adjustments column in your budget template are to be described here.  This is not for the purpose of justification but rather to ensure transparency regarding budget changes which do not increase the overall budget.

The attached document (FY18 Index Use) will reflect the work of aligning revenue with expenses per index.


Variance Adjustment #1 (Column S in AABC Template)

 Overall Budget Change Matrix

FY16 (July 2015) Cost per student per term FY17 (July 2016) Cost per student per term FY18 (July 2017) Cost per student per term % Increase from previous fiscal year
F/W/S  *82.43  Approved *86.53 Actual 50.96  50.96  0%
FY17 (July 2016) Cost per student per term FY18 (July 2017) Cost per student per term FY19 (July 2018) Cost per student per term % Increase from previous fiscal year
Summer Approved *70

Actual 44.54


Approved 46.59

 46.59  0%
Questions from SIFC 
  1. How do you plan to increase efficiency by sharing resources between yourself and other units? In what other ways is your unit making efforts to collaborate with other student-fee based organizations?

The restructuring of the MU provided an opportunity for designing shared efficiencies with other OSU departments.  MU Building Services provides maintenance to 17 facilities and custodial services to 11 facilities. The MU Marketing department now reports to Student Affairs Marketing. The MU (Phase 2, refer to letter of intent) will be paying a portion for Marketing instead of having a full department.  The IT Services is provided from University Housing and Dining where the MU pays for a .3 FTE IT staff person.  The MU Gallery and art collection will be overseen by the Craft Center Manager with the MU paying for 15% pf the Craft Centers salary.\

How are you ensuring that diverse groups are aware of your service, comfortable with getting involved? What efforts have you made to make your service accessible for all students?

The MU is currently in the process of developing strategic marketing plan and branding effort.  The intent of this effort is to inform the OSU community of the MU’s services and mission of being a center for community life through cultural, social and educational events and programs.

What efforts are you making with regards to student development? What skills can be gained by users of your service and by your student employees?

We have instituted a new employee’s handbook and orientation programs for all student employees.  The results for this first year have been seen in student employees showing more confidence in their understanding of the MU’s values and mission. 

How do you plan to analyze and prioritize services and programs to become more efficient considering the current budget climate?

The MU’s two-year plan following the restructure of our department has provided a platform for analyzing our services and budget on a regular basis.  Our budget authorities now have monthly review and necessary changes are made as needed to stay on track with both our budget and services we provide.

How have you adapted your program to meet the mission of the strategic plan of your program and Oregon State University?

The Student Affairs strategic plan has five goals that we utilize for planning and analyzing our budget and programs.  Term reports have been created instead of annual reports. This pattern of reflection and planning allows our units to be more fluid in responding to need adjustments in a timely manner.

What aspects of your program have you or will you discontinue or change to better align with Oregon State’s and your own divisions strategic plans? How will these changes impact your reprioritization of your allocated budget?

The answer to this question has been described through this exhibit.

Please describe any past or present substantive changes in your approved FY17 budget specifically: FTE created from non-FTE funds, incremental off-cycle increases in salary over 10%.

MU Guest Services created an Events Operation Coordinator position that is funded by an increase revenue from events. The vents revenue has increased post construction. This position has zero impact on student fees.

Annual Report Submission

Please attach your annual report document from academic year 2015-2016 as a PDF in your electronic submission and submit along with your hard copy.

Incidental Fees

Total FY17 Incidental Fees                                                            $3,808920.00

Total FY18 Incidental Fees                                                            $3,812,377.25

Total FY18 Dollars to Allocate                                                      $3457.25

Non-Mandatory Costs

Total Non-Mandatory Costs                                                        $XXXXXXX

Total Mandatory and Non-Mandatory Costs                           $XXXXXXX