
This is largely a maintenance of current operations budget with one Decision Package attached.   Our 4.97% allowable student fee increase is being spent on all mandatory items. We are in our first year of operating the newly renovated Memorial Union and the SEC, which have not yet produced a full year of evidence from which we can draw conclusions.   Spring Term of ’15 and Summer Term of ’15 provide little evidence of the full potential of our new spaces and they provide very little data upon which to project.   However, we have used the data we do have to estimate the expenses for FY 17.   As an example, we are now projecting our second budget for heating season in the SEC, without yet having seen a single heating bill, which tend to lag about 6 weeks behind.

2016-17 Budget Matrix







Memorial Union Income

  • $1,704,400 Generated Revenue
  • $6,465,440 Student Fee Revenue

FY17 Income Pie2






Memorial Union Expenses

  • $750,709 Student Payroll
  • 1,261,068 Classified Salaries
  • 1,447,266 Unclassified Salaries
  • 1,577,378 Other Payroll Expenses
  • 221,725 Operating Supplies
  • $45,700 Minor Exuipment
  • 408,702 Utilities
  • 424,900 Maintenance & Repairs
  • 313,639 Assessments

FY17 Expenses Pie2






Overview of 5% Cap

  • 4.97% Mandatory Increases
  • .03% Unspent



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