Memorial Union Fee History

Year MU SI* Total NPV** Students***
2012-2013 $65.78 (less AABC 65.78 85.10 26,393
2011-2012 $65.78 (less AABC) 65.78 83.10 24,977
2010-2011 $75.61 (combined) 75.61 80.00 23,761
2009-2010 $75.75 (combined) 75.75 76.70 21,969
2008-2009 $72.20 (combined) 72.20 79.10 20,320
2007-2008 $58.54 21.54 80.08 77.20 19,753
2006-2007 $49.10 21.15 70.25 73.60 19,362
2005-2006 $44.10 19.47 63.57 69.50 19,236
2004-2005 $38.59 18.27 56.86 65.20 19,159
2003-2004 $40.66 20.67 61.33 61.33 18,974


*Student Involvement (SI) was a separate fee unit that was combined into the Memorial Union when SI was reorganized into the current Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI).

**Net Present Value Calculator:

**2012-13 projection:

***Enrollment numbers from OUS:


Daily Barometer SIFC Articles:

January 30, 2014

February 2, 2014

February 4, 2014

February 16, 2014