We have 508 people working in the Memorial Union as of November 2012.  Our November payroll run showed 458 students working for various aspects of the Memorial Union Organization

  • 23.4% of our workforce is in SLI (108 students or 91% of the SLI workforce are student employees)
  • 31.1% or our workforce is in MU Services and Facilities (132 students or 83.5% of Services/Facilities workforce are student employees)
  • 44.3% of our work force is in MU Retail Food Service (218 students or 97% of workforce)
  • 1.2% of the MU workforce is in Student Media.  Student Media students are funded in the Ed. Act. series, not by the MU budget.  There are 6 FT staff.
  • In addition to an hourly pay, more than 1,362 students working at/for the Memorial Union organization received academic credit amounting to more then 1843 credit hours for the experience they gained.

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