• New Building Switchgear installation:  The MU is positioned to take advantage of the installation of the new power project feed that is bringing a new transformer set to the building during the SEC Construction Project.  $300,000 is set-aside in the MU Reserve Budget to buy new building switchgear and install it in space made available by the relocation of building parts storage.  This gear will be commissioned and left operational and ready for a phased “cut-over” of building electrical distributed power as time and funding allows.  Advantages include elimination of a dangerous main power feed to the MU, elimination of obsolescent and aging switchgear with a high potential for failure, and new and better power metering which may determine if the MU has been over-paying for power for a number of years.
  • ADA Ramps, Rails and Contrasting Stairs.  The MU is working with the MUE Project Manager to scope the removal of several ADA barriers into the project.  The intent is to use the project general contractor to remove the barriers, saving cost of separate development of scope and design as well as contractor mobilization and using the project dollars set aside for ADA improvements to remove these barriers in accordance with the MU ADA Assessment report.  Project Architect is developing the scope of work to determine what barriers are included in the project and the remainder will be removed by the MU.  The scope will typically include handrail remediation and ramp and landings, while the MU scope will be to remove barriers where contrasting stairs are lacking.


  • Type I Hoods and Ducts study:  This project has been downgraded due to new information provided during service meetings and walkthrough with professional hood cleaning and maintenance suppliers. This information is leading to benchmarking of services and selection of a new vendor for cleaning and servicing these hoods, and is also informing us what service life expectations should be for these critical systems.  This project has been deferred until a better scope of services can be determined.
  • Add gas fire logs, flue and piping to 6 fireplaces:  This project estimate was developed at the request of the MU to determine cost and feasibility of bringing the ambience of the fireplaces back to life in the MU Main Lounge, Board and Council Rooms.  Cost does not include the ongoing cost of natural gas to operate these fireplaces, which is substantial.  Project is deferred while ongoing efforts to develop the scope and lower the operational costs continue.
  • Main Lounge Ceiling Repairs: The MU has been working to understand the extent of repairs needed to the ceiling of the Main Lounge.  The Main Lounge is a historically accurate room and the ceiling has been repeatedly damaged over decades from several generations of leaking roofs and gutters. Staff has not had the time to move this project forward.  Given the renewed assurance of a leak-free roof, we have time to defer this work and do it right the first time, when resources are more available.


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