
Lately, it seems like everywhere you go you will see some sort of advertisement for a protein supplement in one form or another. Have you ever wondered if you need to supplement your protein intake?  You may have noticed that many of these supplements claim to help boost your performance, increase muscle mass, speed up your metabolism, or have some other catchy phrase declaring some benefit. But, how true are these claims? Do you need to take a protein supplement? How much protein should you be getting? Why do you even need protein? I will try to address these questions. Continue reading

Cup of tea

Tea is the world’s most popular beverage second only to water. Across the country, restaurants and coffee shops are serving up premium freshly brewed teas, while supermarkets, convenience stores and vending machines are purchasing more and more bottled tea. According to the Tea Association of the USA, 160 million Americans consume tea and in 2012, 2.25 billion dollars were spent on tea in the US.

We are drawn to tea not only for its delicious flavors and capacity to sooth, but also because of the buzz on its many health benefits. Continue reading