Familiarity in New Eyes

Sorry I was not able to post yesterday, we had a very full day and didn’t get back till late!

But any ways, Saturday we started off the day at Shatto Dairy, which was near St. Joseph MO. They were a self producing dairy that did all their own pasteurizing, flavoring and bottling. We got to sample all their own cheese, and milk flavors that ranged from regular, chocolate, strawberry, root beer, cotton candy, banana, and more. It was a cute, and good tasting store!

We then got an in depth tour of a local orchard, that raises apples, peaches, pumpkins, christmas trees, and other row crops. The owner that gave us the tour did a really good job with learning about what each of us already do in the agriculture industry and then explaining to us how it is done here in the Midwest. I loved it. I was personally more interested in there christmas tree raising because their primary tree grown in Scottish pine and they have to irrigate their fir trees, which is very unusual for an Oregon girl.

We ended the night with going down to Kansas City to get authentic barbecue, it was an hour drive, a 45 minute wait, but I would say that it was pretty good for not being my own beef. (I am sort of a beef snob)


-Molly K.

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