Fun and Note Worthy!

We drove to Iowa to be able to visit one farm, it is a swine operation that also does corn and soybeans of course. But this is not your regular swine operation, it goes by the name of 4K Farms and it houses a boar that is nationally recognized and known. His name is Hillbilly Bone and one straw of his semen is worth $500. We got to watch him collect a boar, inseminate a gilt and hold baby piglets. But after the pigs he took us over to their brand new John Deere corn combine! It was huge and different then what we are use to in Oregon.

After the farm we drove to Omaha, Nebraska and went straight to the Zoo. This Zoo was huge, and filled with so many things, definitely beats the Portland Zoo by size and experience. But other then that today has been pretty late and we are just now waiting to order pizza in and then hit the hotel pool!

Cant wait till tomorrow when we got to visit University of Nebraska, go Huskers.


-Molly K.

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