
We are officially on night two of this week long trip. Last night after landing in St. Louis we headed to our hotel and then went directly to a shuttle bus to go to my first Major League Baseball game, it was the Cardinals against the Cubs and it was more entertaining then I expected. We fortunately got club level seats so we had a good view, good buffet and good unlimited drinks. And with that we concluded our first night here.

Today we woke up and got to go be tourist for half the day. We toured the court house and shuttled to the top of the arch, it was a pretty amazing view. We then got to take a river boat tour that informed us more about the city that we were in and even some more of the history that has happened. I have to say that I didn’t expect the Mississippi River to be so brown and dirty looking. Oh well.

Our first agricultural related stop of the trip also was experienced today. We got to get a tour of the Monsanto research facilities here in Missouri. We got to see a 3-D printer, seed chipper, GMO plant, grow chambers, LED lighted greenhouses, and much more. It was very interesting and so informative, I cant wait till we get to tour some of their fields later in the week.

Anyway, the trip has been a success so far and I cant wait to go visit PURINA tomorrow! Yipee!


-Molly K.

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