What Digital Marketers Should Do To Better Manage Their Online Brand

Developing and establishing a highly respected online brand is a crucial part of marketers digital campaign. Today, many consumers and businesses perform many of their transactions online and your job is to stay in vanguard observing their behaviors, stay on contact with them and make sure you adapt your brand digital campaign to sustain your brand and make sure consumers are engaging.

Sounds easy right? But, in reality, can become tedious as you also have to focus on your business expansion. Online reputation is continually changing as social media, blogs, and reviews can damage your brand and possibly affect your business. Let’ say a new consumer founded your service or products, he/she can make assumptions whether to buy or don’t buy your service or products based on content online.

How can I protect my online brand reputation? It is a difficult task to achieve but as a marketer, you understand customer’s perspective and behaviors and your mission is to protect your brand reputation. Fake news and propaganda disseminate quick and you must be ready to deal with the firestorm, Draper and Larson recommend  “A company should try to understand the situation fully, take responsibility where applicable, and point out what has been done to resolve the problem .” Are you ready? Below is my recommendation list of tips to help you to manage our online brand better and protect your business:

Write a Blog and Create Social Media Profiles

Blogs are a powerful tool and marketers who blog increase their business  13 times more likely to experience a positive return on investment so write, write and write! Social media posts can diminish or boost your goals, it is important to monitor constantly your profiles that way you can handle it and make improvements based on the feedback you received.

Monitor Your Brand Constantly 

Your brand is your biggest asset and you need to protect it. Monitoring your brand can help you to understand your brand position and image. I recommend using tools available as people can talk about brand all over the internet. If your brand is trending you won’t be able to keep track and this is why tools can help you monitor.

Review and Update Your SEO

As a marketing manager, you know your products or service but what if your products or service are not reaching all groups and you are missing potential customers? SEO can help you to optimize your online business and you must manage diligently reviews and update your SEO to make sure your brand is available for those consumers pursuing what you are offering. According to Moz “each year, Google updates its algorithm more than 500-600 times.” Adequate keywords are necessary to help you understand your brand standpoint and make your brand more determinable and accessible.

Digital marketers must protect their brands as they depend on them to succeed. It is important to monitor, review and implement adjustments in oder to sustain brands. Manage digital campaigns implies many steps and marketers must utilize tools available to succeed. Blog, reviews and social media  can help you to verify your brand positioning and do necessary adjustments to fix issues. Search engine optimization can boost your digital campaign and make it more accessible covering more consumers. Google algorithm constantly changes be aware of this and take advantage. If you need further support you can find companies to help you manage your brand and campaign that way you can obtain more knowledge and gain experience to help you manage your brand better.


Larson, Jeff, and Stuart Draper. Digital Marketing Essentials. Edify, 2017.

Chan, Joei. “5 Proactive Steps to Improve Your Online Reputation.” The Mention Blog, The Mention Blog, 23 Mar. 2018, mention.com/blog/improve-online-reputation/.

Lister, Mary. “7 Social Media Management Tips to Save Time & Improve Results.” Online Advertising: Learn About Advertising Online, 3 Oct. 2018, www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2016/07/25/social-media-management-tips.

Goldman, Jeremy. “7 Essentials for Any 2018 Digital Marketing Strategy.” Inc.com, Inc., 8 Jan. 2018, www.inc.com/jeremy-goldman/7-essentials-for-any-digital-marketing-strategy.html.

#creator, and #identity. “Google Algorithm Change History.” Moz, Moz, 24 July 2018, moz.com/google-algorithm-change.

Erskine, Ryan. “22 Statistics That Prove the Value of Personal Branding.” Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur, 13 Sept. 2016, www.entrepreneur.com/article/280371.


Google Search, Google, www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1MKDC_enUS772US772&biw=1243&bih=729&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=JxECXOHQCY2s0PEPuKq4mA4&q=brand online &oq=brand online &gs_l=img.3..0j0i30j0i5i30l6j0i8i30l2.1699.2882..3259…0.0..0.80.640.9……1….1..gws-wiz-img.nrtqTKr4Z14#imgrc=EpNAxXhsELM7iM:

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